

  Part ⅣReading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)
  Section A
  Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
  Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
  To call something "marginal" means it is not very good. Farmers have their own way to 47 marginal land: It is the last to be planted under good conditions, and has the 48 to be avoided under poor conditions. Low 49 soil is not the only reason land could be considered marginal. It might be in an area where rainfall is 50 or where a hillside might rise too steeply (陡峭地).
  There are uses for marginal land, however. Most often it is used as grassland. Grasses provide excellent 51 for grazing(吃草)animals like cattle, sheep and goats. Grass seed can be bought from a foreign supplier or 52 grasses can be used. However, using marginal land for grazing is not a simple issue. There is a 53 of overgrazing. Cattle can damage the crops by eating down to the roots. Also, the weight of the animals crushes the soil and can make it too hard for growing. A(n) 54 way to reduce the harm is to move animals from one field to another. This method is known as rotational grazing (循环放牧)which is extremely important for marginal land.
  Another use for marginal land is for tree crops. Studies have 55 that the white pine and loblolly pine(火炬松)are two kinds of trees that grow well on such land. They grow fast and provide good quality wood. Another tree is the poplar(白杨),found in many parts of the world.
  Failure to take the care needed to protect marginal lands can make a bad situation worse.But good planning can 56 a marginal resource into a highly productive one.
  A)feed B) priority C) transplant D) effective
  E) limited F) define G) adequate H) transform
  I) discouraging J) quality K) native L) revealed
  M) prejudice N) hazard O) recovered
  Section B
  Directions:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
  Passage One
  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
  Plastics are materials which are softened by heat and set into lasting form when shaped in a mold. Some are natural; some are semisynthetic (半合成的), the result of chemical action on a natural substance; some are synthetic, built up from the constituents (成分) of oil or coal. All are based on the chemistry of carbon, with its capacity for forming chains. The molecules that compose them (monomers) link together in the setting or curing (加工) process to form chains (polymers), which give plastics their flexible strength. Some plastics retain their ability to be softened and reshaped: like wax, they are thermoplastic. Others set permanently in the shapes they are given by heat and pressure; like eggs, they are thermosetting.
  From industrial beginnings in the nineteenth century, plastics have struggled through a hundred and twenty years of glory, failure, disrepute, and suspicion on the slow road to public acceptance. Now at last, one call positively say that plastics are appreciated and enjoyed for what they are; that they make modern life richer, more comfortable and convenient, and also more fun. Plastics are warm materials, sympathetic to the human touch, and their transformation into things that come into contact with human beings is entirely appropriate.
  The fact that there are plastic antiques comes as a shock to most people. How can a material that seems so essentially twentieth century, and one that is so much associated with cheap, disposable products, have a history at all? It is a young technology, and a great part of the fun of collecting plastics is that beautiful pieces of historical interest can still be found very cheap.
  57. Which of the following groups of adjectives best concludes the characteristics of plastics?
  A) Inexpensive, convenient and historic. B) Disposable, rare and interesting.
  C) Inexpensive, convenient and disposable. D) Rare, beautiful and unbreakable.
  58. According to the first paragraph, plastics can be classified into .
  A) monomers and polymers
  B) flexible plastics and inflexible plastics
  C) thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics
  D) natural plastics and synthetic plastics
  59. When plastics were invented a hundred and twenty years ago, .
  A) people found they were cold materials B) their shapes were set permanent
  C) people accepted them at once D) they did not enjoy immediate popularity
  60. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to this passage?
  A) There has been ups and downs in the development history of plastic technology.
  B) Nowadays plastics help people to live a more convenient life in modern world.
  C) Since plastic technology does not have a long history, there are no plastic antiques at all.
  D) Collecting cheap but beautiful plastic antiques can be funny sometimes.
  61. The word "sympathetic" in the last sentence of the second paragraph is closest to .
  A) favorable B) pitiable C) easy D) harmless