

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. A) It ruined many houses.

      B) The truck killed it.

  C) It was stuck in the middle of the road.

      D) It bit the lorry.

27. A) The cat owner.

      B) The cat.

      C) The truck driver.

      D) A farmer.

28. A) In the house.

      B) In the kitchen.

      C) Beside a river.

      D) In a river.

29. A) A nice apple.

      B) A good-looking toy.

      C) A meal.

      D) A coat. Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. A) People cannot live without automobiles.

      B) Many cars violate the regulations.

  C) Cars cause health problems.

      D) Many American people work in cars.

31. A) Because of the air pollution.

      B) Because of the heavy traffic.

  C) Because of the accidents.

      D) Because of the less walk.

32. A) Reduce the population.

      B) Solve the man-made problems.

  C) Smooth the heavy traffic.

      D) Limit the number of automobiles.

Passage Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. A) Natural changes in four seasons.

      B) The effect of season on human thinking.

  C) How to improve our mental ability.

      D) If it is reasonable to spend holidays in summer.

34. A) Warm.

      B) Hot.

      C) Cold.

      D) Moderate.

35. A) People are least clever in spring.

      B) Temperature has some effect on human thinking.

  C) People tend to be intelligent in summer.

      D) People’s intelligence does not vary with seasons.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.