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  Issuing a condemnation of Kentucky Fried Chicken's recent Boneless Variety Bucket commercials, the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday fined the fast food giant $600,000 and ordered it to discontinue all broadcasts containing "false and misleading suggestions" that its heated chicken products are intended for consumption.


  "KFC's claim that its fried offerings have 'that taste you'll just love to eat' is in direct violation of federal regulations," acting FCC chairman Michael Copps said. "The word 'eat' is legally permissible only in reference to substances appropriate for human consumption. Any implication that a consumer could or should 'enjoy' a KFC Crispy Strip fails to meet these standards, and presents an unlawful deception to consumers."

  “肯德基声称它的炸鸡系列产品含有‘你们爱吃的口味’直接违反了联邦政府的相关规定, ”联邦传播委员会代理主席迈克尔.科普斯说。“从法律意义上说,‘吃’字只能用于适于人类食用的食物上。任何的暗示说消费者可以或应该‘享用’肯德基香辣脆鸡柳都违反了这些规定,也是对消费者的不正当欺骗。”