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  "Any future appeals by KFC for the public to ingest its products will be met with swift legal action," he added.


  Working in conjunction with the Federal Trade Commission to defend consumers from what they call "blatant untruths regarding the edibility of KFC menu items," officials at the FCC have issued a list of acceptable words and phrases the restaurant can use in its television and print ads. While "eat," "feast on," and "taste" remain off-limits, the FCC has approved the use of "purchase," "be near to," "look at," and "hold."

  联邦传播委员会正和联邦贸易委员会共同采取行动以保护消费者,并促使消费者认清他们称之为“关于肯德基公司产品可食性的无耻的谎言”。联邦传播委员会还颁布了肯德基公司在它的电视和平面媒体广告中所能用的字词。“吃”、“享用” 和“品尝”等字词都在被禁止使用系列,联邦传播委员会批准了所能使用的字词,如“购买” 、“接近”、“看”和“拿”。

  Federal officials have also placed strict regulations on what actors within the ads can be shown doing with the breaded objects, so as to reduce the risk that viewers may become confused and attempt to ingest a KFC Snacker.

  联邦官员还严格地规定了汉堡包广告中的演员所能做的动作,以避免观众被误导,并被引诱去食用肯德基的鸡腿汉堡 。