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  People now sleep about 20% less than they did a century ago, the noNPRofit National Sleep Foundation estimates. But as I have written, most people need seven to nine hours of sleep. Without it, we snack or drink caffeine or exercise to compensate. And we get sleepy. The foundation's 2008 poll of 1,000 Americans found 36% are drowsy or fall asleep when they are driving; 29% become very sleepy at work, and 20% have lost interest in sex because they are just too tired. Researchers blamed part of the problem on overlong work hours.

  非营利机构美国国家睡眠基金会(National Sleep Foundation)估算,人们现在的睡眠时间比100年前少了约20%。不过,就像我曾经写过的那样,大多数人每天需要睡七到九个小时。如果睡眠不足,我们通过吃零食、喝咖啡因饮料或运动来强打精神。但我们还是会昏昏欲睡。该基金会2008年针对1000名美国人的调查发现,36%的人在开车时犯困或睡着,29%的人在上班时瞌睡得厉害,还有20%的人会因为太累而变得“性趣”全无。研究人员认为超时工作是造成人们睡眠不足的原因之一。

  Readers, are you one of these high-energy, no-sleep jugglers? Can some people actually function this way indefinitely, leaving the rest of us lagging behind the evolutionary curve?
