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Janine Cataldo, an assistant professor and researcher in physiological nursing and gerontology at the University of California San Francisco, is developing tools that measure the quality of life and impact of social stigma on lung cancer patients who continue smoking.
旧金山加利福利亚大学生理护理学和老年医学副教授和研究人员Janine Cataldo发明测量生活质量和肺癌患者继续吸烟受社会歧视影响的工具。

Continued smoking has serious repercussions for lung cancer patients, she said. Patients may develop appetite loss, fatigue, cough or coughing up of blood, pain and poor sleep, said Cataldo. Self-esteem suffers too, and anxiety and depression may also develop, she said.

Cataldo is developing a six-month intervention that focuses on three key components: nicotine replacement therapy to ease withdrawal symptoms; a computerized calling system for monthly phone counseling and weekly follow-up; and creation of a smoke-free home environment.
