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野猪被驯服 变身宠物

  'Ferocious' boars who roam the Forest of Dean transformed into lovable piggies who will eat out of tourists' hands


  As wild boar go, this lot don’t seem very wild at all.


  Hundreds now live in the Forest of Dean, where several are happy to take food from visitors’ hands and even accept a stroke on the snout.


  Rangers at the Gloucestershire beauty spot warn that animal lovers should beware because boar can be aggressive and cause serious injury.


  But David Slater, who took these photographs, insists that the creatures pose no threat.

  但是,拍下这些照片的David Slater坚持认为这些生物是不会对人造成威胁的。

  ‘There have been no attacks on humans in the UK to date, and this year not even a dog has been reported injured by boar,’ he said.


  ‘Compare this with how many people are injured by or fear dogs, and fear of wild boar is completely out of proportion.’


  The boar community has flourished in the forest after up to 350 escaped from a farm a decade ago and others were illegally dumped by the side of a road.


  Experts say all the surviving animals and their descendants are now wild, and to avoid the population doubling every year the animals are subject to a carefully managed cull.


  Another visitor said: ‘Some of the tamer ones seem unconcerned by humans approaching them, and seem as curious about us as we are about them. I have seen people feeding them by hand, and they seem to like the attention.


  ‘They look as comfortable as pets, probably because lots were raised on farms and got used to people. However, you never know what could happen with an animal this size.’
