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野猪被驯服 变身宠物


  The forest’s chief wildlife ranger Ian Harvey, says staying well clear of them will reduce the chance of wild boar losing their natural instinct for caution around people.

  森林的野生动物主管Ian Harvey说:“保持清醒的了解这些动物会降低野猪对人类小心谨慎的自然本能的风险。”

  Mr Slater admits boar can be aggressive to protect their young, just like cows or deer, but claims the cull is going too far with even suckling mothers and piglets being shot.


  However Mt Harvey responded: ‘We are not aiming to eradicate wild boar in the Forest of Dean. Our management objective is to reduce the potential for adverse interaction between the boar and people it is not to eradicate the boar.’

  但是Mt Harvey回应说:“我们并没有打算消灭掉迪恩森林里的野猪。我们的管理目标是减少野猪和人类的不良互动的潜在风险,而不是要屠杀它们。”