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6. Being aloof; Not being responsive. I have experienced situations where acquaintances do not respond to correspondences, possibly because they do not see them as important. Subsequently I form a very bad impression of them, and deprioritize their requests when they seek my help later on.

6. 远离而不响应。我遇到过这样的情形,熟人并不相应的响应,可能他们并不觉得那很重要。结果我对他们形成了差印象,当他们后来找我帮忙时,我就拒绝了。

7. Thinking you know it all. The more I learn, the more I realize what I don't know. There is a wealth of knowledge out there for us to learn. Thinking you know everything, rejecting new methods and vehemently insisting on your ways prevents you from connecting with others. Be open to trying new things.

7. 认为自己知道很多。我学得越多,就越意识到自己知道的太少。有大量的知识,等待着我们去学习。认为自己什么都知道,拒绝尝试新的方法,激烈的坚持自己的方式将会使你与他人隔绝。大胆的去尝试新鲜的事物吧。

8. Being a complainer. It's okay to complain every once in a while, but doing it all too often puts off people. Complaining too much makes you an energy vortex—it becomes draining to be around you. People like to be around positive people, not energy vampires. If you are one, it's not too late to change —start by focusing on positive things around you and work from there.

8. 抱怨。偶尔抱怨没什么事,但是如果你经常这样将会让别人很反感。抱怨太多会让你陷入能量漩涡——会使你的精力殆尽。人们喜欢被积极的人围绕,而不是精力吸血鬼。如果你是其中之一,那么什么时候改变都不晚——从现在开始关注积极的事物吧。

9. Not following up on things you agreed on. One of my pet peeves is when people don't follow up on things they agree on (be it appointments, favors, etc). I think it makes them unreliable and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. These are the same people that I make a note not to work with in the future.

9. 不跟从自己先前的观点。其中一个我无法忍受的事是人们不认同他们之前同意的约定或是想法。我认为这让他们变得不可靠,我对他们的评价非常差。这些人同样是我以后工作中不想与之合作的人。

10. Not listening. Are you present in your conversations with others? Or is your mind on something else? When conversing with someone, learn to not only listen, but listen actively. Seek out the underlying message behind what someone is saying.

10. 不会倾听。在与别人的交谈中,你是否认真在听?或者你的心思已经跑到别人地方去了。当我们与别人交谈时,我们不仅要学会倾听,更要积极的倾听。试图去寻找说话者隐藏的信息。