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ARIES 白羊座(Mar. 21- April 20)

      You Rams are notoriously impatient, especially when it comes to romance. Cut to the chase by venturing out of familiar territory. Concert halls, theaters and museums are all good places for you to find love. Aries could also meet someone special at an art class or dance club. A little dose of culture will definitely go a long way! If you're the athletic type, try jogging on a popular beach or trail or taking a hot-box yoga class.


TAURUS 金牛座(Apr. 21 - May 21)

      As a Bull, you probably have a few favorite places that you like to frequent. The best way to find love in your preferred hangout is to show off your Taurus style.Offer to share your dessert with a sexy diner at your favorite restaurant. Compliment a vendor's apples on your next trip to the farmer's market. The longer a Taurus keeps somebody talking, the more heavily they'll fall under your spell.


GEMINI 双子座(May 22 - June 21)

      Twins like you have no problem making friends, but it's a different story when it comes to making a serious love connection. Fortunately, finding romance can be as simple as getting a dog. Taking a long-distance trip can also bring Gemini luck in the romance department. That's probably because it's much easier for you to get personal when you're away from familiar surroundings.


CANCER 巨蟹座 (June 22 - July 22)

      You have to admit, Cancer, that your chances for meeting someone special are considerably hindered if you spend most of your time at home! How about inviting friends over for dinner, with the stipulation that every guest brings a cute single friend? If all else fails, head for the water. Being a Moon Child, you are strongly influenced by the tides, making your chances for meeting someone at a lakeside resort or ocean retreat very strong indeed.


LEO 狮子座 (July 23 - Aug. 22)

      There's no denying that you draw admiring glances wherever you go, Leo. The problem is that most people are awestruck by your fabulousness. A good way to become more approachable is by joining a volunteer organization. Becoming a member of an athletic team could also prove lucky for you, as your competitive streak is incredibly sexy. If you're looking for a more intellectual partner, seek out a book club or political discussion group.


VIRGO 处女座(Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)

      Don't be afraid to show your true sexy colors, Virgo, especially if it means making a love connection. Attend a poetry slam, visit a photography exhibit or head out to a dance party. Just drinking in the atmosphere will soften your reserve, making you much more approachable in the lobby or during intermission. If your house of worship or yoga studio hosts weekend retreats, it might be worth your while to go.
