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Many of China's most successful entrepreneurs do not seem like the MBA type. They are swashbuckling, self-made men (and sometimes women) often with little formal education — let alone a graduate degree in business.


But increasingly, Chinese businessmen and aspirant entrepreneurs are gravitating towards the country's rapidly growing business schools, eager for a formal education in modern management and the network of contacts they need to make it work.


Some have been in business for decades and have already made a fortune before registering for an MBA or Executive MBA (an MBA for working executives). Yet they are still willing to pay up to Rmb538,000 ($85,000) to put the letters EMBA on their business cards, or Rmb150-350,000 for an MBA.


After rising at an annual rate of about 20 per cent for several years, MBA applications rose by 25 per cent last year to 90,000, according to the state news agency, Xinhua.  


Many yearn for the education they missed as children — in some cases, because of the Cultural Revolution which forced many to leave school. Others did receive higher education, but in the days when Chinese universities taught little in the way of business courses. "Now most Chinese universities have a pretty good business curriculum," says Charles Chen, head of the EMBA programme at Ceibs in Shanghai. "But current EMBA students who started their career 15 or 20 years ago had nothing in terms of management knowledge, they learnt only by doing."

许多人渴望补上他们在年少时错过的教育——其中有些人是由于遇上了文革,那场浩劫导致许多人被迫中断学业。还有些人虽然受过高等教育,但他们在校的时候,中国的大学还不怎么教授商学课程。“如今,大部分中国高校都开设了相当不错的商学课程。”上海中欧国际工商学院(Ceibs) EMBA课程主任陈杰平(Charles Chen)表示,“不过,15至20年前开始走上职业道路、如今回来读EMBA的学生是没有学过任何管理知识的,他们完全是从实践中积累经验的。”

Many entrepreneurs think they can no longer get by with on-the-job skills. "Before you could make a profit not because you did the right thing, but maybe you did the wrong thing while other people were doing things that were even more wrong," he says. The current crop of EMBAs expects competition in China to intensify "so it will be more important to do things the correct way".
