
Tony Zhang is one of those who is convinced that graduate business education is not just for investment bankers: he studied for an EMBA at Ceibs when he was already a successful entrepreneur with his popular Tony's Restaurant chain. What could he possibly learn in business school that he did not learn on his mother's farm or in his restaurants' kitchens? "Classmates can be a mirror," he said recently, sitting in the converted shipping container that serves as his ultra-chic office on the organic farm he owns outside Shanghai. "We can't see our own weak points".
许多人都相信,商学研究生教育并不只是适合投资银行家。张同贵(Tony Zhang)就是这些人中的一员。在中欧国际工商学院攻读EMBA时,张同贵已然是一位成功的企业家,他经营的连锁餐厅“多利川菜馆”人气颇旺。他在商学院里到底能学到哪些在他母亲的农地、在他餐厅的厨房里学不到的东西?最近,在上海郊外他经营的有机农庄,张同贵坐在用集装箱改装的、时尚味道十足的办公室里这样说道:“同学可以作为一面镜子。我们自己是看不到自己身上的弱点的。”
His EMBA taught him what many in China fail to recognise, he says: "A lot of Chinese entrepreneurs blindly choose a business and then just make it bigger and bigger. They ignore the natural limits of the business."
"You might be able to carry 100 pounds of weight on your shoulder pole, but if you have to carry 300 pounds, it will crush you," he says, using a suitably agrarian image for China, where farmers carry heavy burdens on opposite ends of long poles. Applying that lesson to the organic food market, he says the maximum penetration of such foods in China is five per cent — and he will not aim higher than that.
Mr Zhang insists that networking was not the main reason he opted for business school though, for many Chinese MBA and EMBAs, networking is paramount. Still, a quick look at the client list of Tony's Farm shows that the contacts he made were invaluable — starting with Ceibs itself, which buys vegetables from him.
But having a business degree is no longer the magic ticket to high salaries that it used to be, says Zhou Xinhua, who works in the internet industry and has an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. "A lot of companies now don't care about an MBA, they are much smarter than before," she says, noting that an MBA is a plus — but only for those with experience in a relevant industry.
不过,从事互联网行业的周新华(音译)表示,形势今非昔比,商学学位再也不是神奇的高薪“通行证”。她本人拥有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)的MBA学位。她说:“如今许多公司并不在乎MBA,他们比以前精多了。”她指出,拥有MBA学位是一项优势,但前提是你必须具备相关行业的经验。
And there is no longer the rush to go overseas to study, says the head of Ceibs' MBA programme, Lydia Price. Lynn Jiang, a Ceibs MBA student, chose Ceibs over Insead because she says if she starts a business in China, she will need a network in China.
中欧国际工商学院MBA学术主任白诗莉(Lydia Price)表示,如今的中国人不会一窝蜂跑到国外读MBA。Lynn Jiang就在中欧国际工商学院和欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)这两所学院中选择了前者,她目前正在攻读MBA。Lynn Jiang说,如果她要在中国创业,她就需要在中国建立人脉。
Ms Zhou spent Rmb1m on her MBA and she still thinks it was worth it. "For that money, I could only buy a restroom in Shanghai," with its stratospheric property prices, she says. With that as a yardstick, Chinese business schools have nowhere to go but up.
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