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7. She is serious about her duty

The Queen has laid a wreath at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday on all but a handful years during her long reign – the only exceptions being when she was either pregnant or overseas on an official visit (1959, 1961, 1963, 1968, 1983 and 1999). This terribly moving annual ceremony means a huge amount to her, in large part because she lived through World War II, and saw how great a price we as a nation paid to preserve our freedom.
女王在位期间,除了怀孕或出国访问(1959年, 1961年, 1963年, 1968年, 1983年和 1999年),几乎每年都在阵亡将士纪念日那天去纪念碑前敬献花圈。女王自己就经历过二战,亲眼看到一个国家为争取自由所付出的巨大代价。所以,她尤为看重这个节日。

8. She's kind at heart

This isn’t something that’s ever much reported, but she’s very thoughtful for anyone she knows who has been bereaved or ill, performing little acts of kindness. For instance, she paid a private visit to Martin Charteris (above) – who served her for many years as her Assistant Private Secretary and then Private Secretary, and did so much for her as a young monarch – shortly before his death in 1999.