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9. She loved her palace on the water

The Queen was terribly saddened to see the Royal Yacht Britannia pensioned off.She had a huge amount of affection for the ship because it was the only home that was ever specially created for her, in every sense of the word.It’s interesting to note that the Royal Yacht was furnished in a much more contemporary style than the palaces, with their George III antique tables.She also appreciated the freedom the yacht gave her to escape the prying eyes of the world and just be herself.

10. Animals really are important to her

This is a woman who is known for her love of animals, and in particular her corgis.As monarch, from time to time she invites people to Windsor Castle, and I remember being there once when one of her corgis rolled over onto its back at her feet and there was a look of sheer unadulterated joy on her face.
人们都知道女王很喜爱小动物,尤其是她那些威尔士矮脚狗。 女王喜欢时不时地请人去温莎城堡做客。记得我有次在那儿看到威尔士矮脚狗滚了个四脚朝天,女王顿时乐开了花,开心不已。