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6.Stay focused: If you're in a business meeting and having a hard time keeping things to yourself, focus by taking meticulous notes. While writing down what's happening, include your personal thoughts and unique ideas to share at the appropriate time.

7.Be the best listener in the room: When you get the itch to interrupt, change the focus to the speaker and transform into the best listener in the room. Nod along, maintain eye contact, and lean into the speaker to show you're listening. This encourages the brain to connect with your auditory skills instead of brainstorming.

8.Apologize: The minute you interrupt, apologize sincerely, then immediately stop talking. Acknowledging you've butted in leaves a smart impression. Just make sure to not repeat the mistake.

9.Zip it: That's right, zip it. During important meetings, or even casual lunches with your favorite friends, keep your mouth closed while others are talking. Imagine your lips are permanently sealed until you're asked a question or the conversation is directed to you.

10.Wait for it: Part of being a good sharer is being a smart listener. Focus on the speaker's sentence structure and style of speech. You'll pick up on clues, such as a deep breath after finishing a thought or the shuffling of papers when moving onto a new topic, tipping you off to the right time for sharing ideas and opinions.