6. Low-fat dairy products
Dairy products and milk constitute 10 to 12 percent of our total dietary fat.
While whole milk is a good source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, riboflavin, and phosphorus, it is high in saturated fat and can cause problems with high calories and weight gain. Low-fat milk (1% milk) and eggs have very little fat. The low-fat products help build muscles, prevent obesity, and lower risks of diseases like type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
虽然全脂牛奶是维生素B12、维生素D、钙、核黄素和磷的很好来源,但它也富含高饱和脂肪, 能够引起高热量和体重增加等问题。低脂牛奶(1%牛奶)和鸡蛋所含脂肪非常少。低脂产品有助于锻炼肌肉、防止肥胖、降低2型糖尿病和高血压等疾病的风险。
Among the world’s best low-fat dairy products and eggs are:
Cheese, grass-fed 食草类动物产奶做成的奶酪
Cow’s milk, grass-fed 食草奶牛所产的牛奶
Eggs, pasture-raised 牧场散养鸡下的鸡蛋
Milk, goat 羊奶
Yogurt, grass-fed 食草类动物产奶做成的酸奶