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Phobias are strange things, turning seemingly innocuous objects and situations into catalysts of fear. The following 19 phobias include some that are common knowledge, whereas others are a little more… unorthodox. Can you get through the list unfazed, or is there something in there that gives you the chills?


1. Acrophobia – fear of heights

Probably the most ‘normal’ of all phobias. How high you have to go to start feeling it differs from person to person, but many will have at one time or another experienced a flipping stomach and spinning head when looking over the edge of a steep precipice. It’s completely natural to feel a fear response when in a situation that’s obviously dangerous, and some experts have even suggested that it’s those who don’t feel the fear of heights that have the problem.

However, some sufferers can’t escape the fear of falling even when the high place is completely safe, like being in the enclosed room at the top of Tokyo Tower, while others find themselves dizzy at a height of only a couple of meters.

2. Trypophobia – fear of objects with small holes close together

The name for this phobia was only coined in 2005, but there are a surprisingly huge number of people who suffer from this strange fear. It’s hard to give a specific definition of the trigger, but the basic idea is a revulsion and fear of things with clusters of small holes – think beehives, ant holes, and in particular lotus seed heads. Unfortunately for sufferers of this phobia, the Internet has found much joy in photoshopping lotus-pod designs onto various body parts. Google if you dare.

3. Megalophobia – fear of large things

This vague terms covers all ‘huge objects’. These are often objects such giant statues or works of art which are much bigger than the real thing they are mimicking. In the presence of such objects, people become overwhelmed and unable to move.

4. Coulrophobia – fear of clowns

We all known clowns are meant to make us laugh, but for some unfortunate folks the sight of a guy in pajamas with big colored buttons and a painted face sends them running. Perhaps it’s Stephen King’s It we have to thank for a generation of kids who have now grown up to be clown-phobic adults. A particular focus of fear is poor misunderstood Ronald McDonald. I know it’s hard to imagine people being frightened of him, I mean just look how completely normal, sane and non-homicidal that face is!

5. Aichmophobia – fear of sharp objects

Scissors, needles, pencils, knives, you name it – if it’s sharp, they’re scared of it. Sufferers enter a state of extreme psychological agitation when around objects with sharp, pointy ends. Of course anyone would be scared of a crazed person wielding a butcher knife at you, but a characteristic of this phobia is that the sufferer is scared of the object even when they know there is no danger of their being cut or injured. Some peoples’ fear is based around the irrational and disturbing worry that they might end up using a nearby pointed end to stab someone else.