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6. Dysmorphophobia – fear of ugliness

Specifically, fear of one’s own ugliness. This is characterized by an extreme obsession with one’s appearance, and an unhealthily low opinion of one’s own looks. It’s often classified as a form of hypochondria and obsessive compulsive disorder, and can even develop into schizophrenia in the worst cases. Many sufferers get plastic surgery, but as this is a psychological condition, sufferers are unlikely to ever be satisfied with the results. Paradoxically, many people end up actually mutilating their own face or body.

7. Triskaidekaphobia – fear of the number

The number 13 has a long history of unluckiness in the Western world, leading some people to fear that seemingly innocuous pairing of a one and a three. And if the 13th of the month falls on a Friday, then it’s a double whammy. In Japan, Korea, and China, replace 13 with the number 4, which has all kinds of nasty connotations with death.

8. Fear of sink holes

No name for this rather specific phobia. Sufferers experience fear and unease upon seeing a sinkhole, particularly the glory holes used to drain water from dams. People describe the fear of being unable to see the bottom or of being sucked in. Some even describe the feeling that the sinkhole could be connected to some other terrible dimension, and the sense of an otherwordly force pulling them in.

9. Socmephobia – fear of social media

Not sure this is a genuine name, but I’m sure it’ll be popping up in medical journals in the next few years. Ever felt like it’s impossible to break away from the constant demands and conversations on social media such as facebook, twitter, or mixi, yet feel depressed after checking them, and not want to go back? Feelings of jealousy and failure after seeing your friends’ latest status update about their awesome job, or browsing through their pics from a fabulous fancy night out can lead to social isolation and inferiority complexes, triggering this phobia.

10. Scopophobia – fear of being stared at

The idea of being in the middle of a crowd of people all staring at you would be enough to rattle anyone (excluding reality TV stars). Sufferers of scopophobia often irrationally fear that everyone around is staring at them, paralysing them with fear and making their movements clumsy and awkward, drawing even more (perceived) stares. Consequently they dislike crowded places, and even rear-view mirrors. People with social anxiety also often fear being stared at.