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16. Odontophobia – fear of dentists

A trip to the dentist probably isn’t going to make most people’s ‘top 10 things I love to do’ list, but most of us can put up with it with just a mild feeling of unease. Some people, however, have such a strong reaction that they are unable to attend the dentist even when in dire need. If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of a painful cavity you can get an idea of just how intense this fear can be when a person would rather live with that pain then take a trip to the dentist’s chair.

17. Telephonophobia – fear of telephones

The fear of using the telephone can develop to the point where the sufferer panics even when hearing the sound of a ringtone. This fear of receiving a call can lead to an oversensitivity to noises and auditory hallucinations. And it’s not just the sound – setting the phone to vibrate doesn’t help, and the sufferer will instead imagine their pocket is vibrating even when it’s completely still. This is known as phantom vibration syndrome. It must be very difficult to live with this in an age of mobile phones, where calls can follow you wherever you go.

18. Mysophobia – fear of dirt

This involves a fear of being contaminated by bacteria and germs which, being invisible to the naked eye, can be felt by the phobic person to be crawling everywhere even in the cleanest-looking environment. Sufferers of this phobia often display the stereotypical OCD behavior of washing their hands over and over, as they never feel like they’re completely clean. This complusive act just serves to make the sufferer more aware of their state of (un)cleanliness, and thus reinforcing the cycle.

19. Masklophobia – fear of mascots/costumes

It’s not the size, or even the bizarreness of the concept that scares people, but rather the expressionless, staring faces of the costumes. Especially for children, who gaze at people’s faces to work out their feelings through their expressions, the blank, unchanging face of the mascot can be especially freaky. (That explains all the crying babies at Disneyland). Such a stone-still face indicates death, and the unfamiliar sight of a huge mascot with a dead face moving around is like the dead have come to life! Yep, the fear of mascots is basically like a fear of zombies, and we can’t really say that’s irrational.