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11. Claustrophobia – fear of enclosed spaces

Here’s one everyone’s heard of. The fear of being in an enclosed space and unable to escape is probably most often exemplified in the being-buried-alive movie scenario. I’m pretty sure that this kind of situation would rattle even the bravest soul, but for some people the scope is widened to elevators, trains, and even just rooms where the door is closed.

12. Ectophobia – fear of vomit

Vomit. No ones likes to do it, no one likes to see it. But it’s a fact of life that sometimes just can’t be avoided, whether you’re struck down with norovirus, or waking up with a pounding hangover and a stomach full of dubious late-night kebab. Someone looking a bit green is likely to send the sufferer of this phobia into a panic, and they’ll generally avoid anywhere that they or other people may throw up, such as rollercoasters and boats. Some experts suggest that painful childhood experiences of vomiting, or the trauma of having been vomited on by someone else can be at the root of this phobia.

13. Spectrophobia – fear of mirrors

A spooky silhouette glimpsed out of the corner of your eye as you’re checking your hair will give anyone the creeps, but imagine being scared of even your own reflection. The world is surprisingly full of mirrors, from department store fitting rooms, tiny drug store mirrors to check your makeup, and of course the mirrors on every car. Beauty and hair salons are of course the worst culprit, and this phobia can seriously interfere with a person’s daily life.

14. Pediophobia – fear of dolls

For some it’s just the frozen faces of porcelain dolls; for others it’s ones that talk or move. Some people’s fear centres around a specific type of doll, while others fear all kinds and will go out of their way not to encounter any. The reason for the fearful reaction is probably something to do with dolls’ resemblance to living human beings, leading the brain to become confused over whether this still, inanimate object is alive or not. And to be honest, who hasn’t at one point in their childhood woken up in the night and mistaken a discarded doll or teddy for a malicious intruder? What do you mean, it’s just me?

15 Arachnophobia – fear of spiders (Anyone remember that movie?)

This is one of the most common phobias, with women being the most likely to be affected. Some experts suggest that it may be an amplified form of a response that helped humans survive in the past, while others believe it’s a cultural phenomenon as it seems to be most prevalent in Western countries. The response is usually irrational, especially in places like the UK where spiders are not only non-venomous, but also unlikely to grow larger than your little fingernail. If you’re in Australia, however, you might be considered a little more rational.