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不满学校管理混乱 中国父母开始尝试家庭教育


Unhappy with the rigid teaching style of traditional schools and recent student abuse scandals, some tiger moms in China are keeping their kids at home.

According to a recent survey of 18, 000 parents in mainland China who have expressed interest in homeschooling their children, some 2, 000 of them have already started to give lessons at home.

Conducted by the 21st-Century Education Research Institute, a Beijing-based NGO, the survey data was collected via various online platforms, including the education channel of web portal Tencent.com and other forums dedicated to homeschooling.
该调查由北京非政府组织21世纪教育研究院(21st-Century Education Research Institute)进行,调查数据通过多种网络平台收集,包括门户网站腾讯网(Tencent.com)的教育频道以及其他致力于在家教育孩子的论坛。

不满学校管理混乱 中国父母开始尝试家庭教育

China's exam-oriented education system is notoriously stressful for students and families alike. According to the survey, among Chinese parents who choose to teach their kids at home, over half (54%) of them do so because they object to the teaching philosophy of traditional schools, which tends to be fairly rigid in nature. Others who choose to homeschool their kids think that in ordinary classrooms, the pace of lessons is too slow (10%) and that kids are not fully respected 7%). Another 7% said their kids were simply sick of traditional school life.

Still another 6% of parents, including a number of Christians, said they chose homeschooling for religious reasons, according to the survey. Similarly, a 2007 survey by the U.S.-based National Center for Education Statistics showed that 36% of American parents homeschooling their children chose to do so out of a desire to provide religious and moral instruction.
调查显示,还有6%的父母说他们选择在家教育是出于宗教原因,其中包括一些基督教徒。与此类似,美国全国教育统计中心(National Center for Education Statistics) 2007年的一项调查显示,在家教育孩子的美国父母当中,有36%是因为想要为孩子提供宗教和道德方面的指导。

Meanwhile, a mounting number of student abuse cases in China have lately been exposed , drawing outrage from the public and helping further spur the push for alternatives to traditional schools, people in the industry say. 'I think kids are hurt mentally and physically at traditional kindergartens in China, ' said Zhang Qiaofeng, citing the well-publicized cases of ear-pulling and other kinds of corporal punishment that recently caused controversy after being exposed in the Chinese press.

'They are running kindergartens like prisons, locking kids inside, ' said Mr. Zhang, who since last June has been running his own small private school in Bejing's outskirts.