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不满学校管理混乱 中国父母开始尝试家庭教育

Mr. Zhang said he was inspired to found his school, which caters to preschoolers, after seeing his young son coming back from kindergarten every day and seeming unhappy. According to Mr. Zhang, his son and other classmates would be literally locked indoors during recess hours, to spare teachers from having to monitor them while outdoors.

'Parents seek out my services because they don't want their kids to get hurt on campus, ' said Mr. Zhang, who charges 60, 000 yuan($9, 800) for two semesters as a basic tuition fee, and an extra 20, 000 yuan($3, 300) for students who need lodging. 'They can afford to do so.'

The survey said that 41% of homeschooling parents said they would continue to educate their kids at home after middle school. About a third said they planned to eventually send their kids abroad to study, while another third said they still planned to have their kids take China's fiercely competitive national college entrance exam, the gaokao, and have them attend university in mainland China.

Though the right of parents to homeschool their children isn't officially enshrined in law, homeschooling is no longer seen as a shocking phenomenon in China. Cases such as that of prominent Chinese writer Zheng Yuanjie, who took his son out of school to educate him at home a couple of years ago, have helped boost its appeal among the public and the media.

The survey found that more than half of home-schooled kids are between four to ten years old, and about 62% of them are male. 'Boys are bolder in expressing their thoughts and challenging their teachers, ' said Yuan Fangyan, project director of the 21st-Century Education Research Institute. 'Teachers in China tend to marginalize these 'trouble-makers' in class, so they are at a disadvantage at school.'

Compared to the U.S., where more than 2 million students were home-schooled in 2010, in the world's second-largest economy, homeschooling is still at an early stage.

For the moment, most homeschooling families remain concentrated in Guangdong province, Zhejiang province and Beijing, where the local economy is more developed and families are typically more open-minded about education.

'Professional guidance [for those interested in homeschooling] is severely insufficient, ' said Ms. Yuan. 'More education resources, including textbooks and teaching methods, desperately need to be explored and developed.'

Still, Ms. Yuan says that the growing popularity of homeschooling points to an encouraging trend. 'Parents have started to care more about fostering their kids' interest in reading and arts, and respect their freedom and thoughts, ' she said.

The survey also found that more than 100, 000 children in mainland China are not studying in traditional schools. Apart from homeschooling, such kids are often being educated in private schools, such as schools dedicated to the study of classic Chinese culture, church-run schools or other alternative institutions such as Waldorf schools, which operate according to the educational principles of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner.
调查还发现,中国大陆有十几万名孩子没有在传统学校就读。除在家上学外,这些孩子经常在私立学校接受教育,比如专门教授中国传统国学的学校、教会学校或其他替代选择,如华德福教育(Waldorf)旗下的学校,该机构依照奥地利哲学家鲁道夫·史代纳(Rudolf Steiner)的教育理念办学。

In addition to such findings, the survey showed that over 48% of parents said they were very optimistic about the development of homeschooling in China in particular.

For his part, Mr. Zhang said that since opening his preschool, his son has become much more athletic and outgoing. 'I will teach him to take the SAT and apply to university in America in the future, ' he said.