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Do Not Check Email Constantly不要不断查看邮件

Batch it and check it only periodically at set times (Ferriss goes for twice a day). Your inbox is analogous to a cocaine pellet dispenser, says Ferriss. Don't be an addict. Tools like strategic use of the auto responder can help.

Do Not Over-Communicate With Low Profit, High Maintenance Customers不要和低效益,难对付的客户过多交谈

"Do an 80-20 analysis of your customer base in two ways," Ferriss advises. "Which 20% are producing 80% or more of my profit, and which 20% are consuming 80% or more of my time? Then put the loudest and least productive on auto-pilot, citing a change of company policy." What should those "new policies" look like? Ferriss suggests emailing problem clients with things like guidance on the number of permissible calls and expected response times. Point them to other providers if they don't like the new rules. "Sometimes you really have to fire your customers."用两种方式对你的客户资料库进行80-20的分析,其中的20%创造了80%以上的利润,哪20%要消耗我80%的时间呢?引用公司政策变化,忽略那些最活跃和效益最低的。应该是怎样的新政策呢?Ferris指的是有邮件问题的客户,他们在允许电话数量的和预期回复次数上没有遵循指导。如果他们不喜欢新规则,就把他们推荐给其它供应商。有时候你真的需要炒客户的鱿鱼。

Do Not Work More to Fix Being Too Busy不要为了避免太忙碌而加班

The cure for being overwhelmed isn't working more, it's sitting down and prioritizing your tasks, Ferriss believes. So don't make the mistake of working frantically if you're swamped. Instead, sit down and decide what actually needs doing urgently. If that means apologizing for a slightly late return call or paying a small late fee, so be it, as long as you manage to get the important things done. "If you don't have time, the truth is you don't have priorities, so think harder, don't work harder," he says.避免沉不堪重负的方法不是加班,而是坐下来对任务进行主次排列,当你手足无措的时候不要疯狂工作,要停下俩决定哪个是真正紧急的事项。如果只是晚回一会电话或晚交一小笔费用,就等你把重要事情做好再处理它们。如果你没有时间,事实上是你没有优先项,所有要更努力的思考,而不是更拼命的工作。

Do Not Carry a Digital Leash 24/7不要时刻被数码控制

At least one day a week leave you smartphone somewhere where you can't get easy access to it. If you're gasping, you're probably the type of person that most needs to do kick this particular habit.

Do Not Expect Work to Fill a Void That Non-Work Relationships and Activities Should不要期待工作能取代非工作的生活关系和社会活动

"Work is not all of life," says Ferriss. This seems obvious, but the sad truth is that while nearly everyone would agree to this in principle, it's easy to let things slide to a point where your actions and your stated values don't match up. Defend the time you have scheduled for loved ones and cool activities with the same ferocity you apply to getting to an important meeting for your business.