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线上会议不简单 组织方法大揭秘


Many companies now have employees from several different offices working on the same projects, making collaborative working more important than ever. This is not to mention all of the employees who are currently telecommuting. Online meetings play a large role in this kind of environment, so it’s important for employees who want to excel in the modern workplace to know how to host and present an online meeting.

Each online meeting tool (such as GoToMeeting, WebEx or even Skype) is different, but all allow for the quick and easy creation of meetings, helping participants share screens, slides and even create polls.

线上会议不简单 组织方法大揭秘

Regardless of the software you choose, there are some guidelines that should be followed when hosting an online meeting.

1. Learn how to use your chosen tool before the first meeting. Your provider will be more than happy to give you a detailed tutorial on all the features that will be available to you during your meetings. Take advantage of that, so you know how to use the software before you schedule your first meeting. On the day of the meeting, log into it at least 15 minutes in advance so you can ensure that there are no problems with the tool and also to prepare all the materials that you will be presenting. Also keep in mind that participants could have questions about the meeting software, and it’s better to answer them before the meeting to avoid disruptions.
1. 在第一次会议之前,学会如何使用所选的工具。软件供应商很愿意在会议中为你提供关于可以使用的功能的详尽指导。利用好这一点,你就能在安排第一次会议前指导如何使用这个软件。在会议当天,至少提前15分钟登录软件,保证软件没有任何问题,准备好你需要展示的所有材料。同样要记住的一点是,与会者对于软件可能会有问题,所以最好在会议之前解答,避免会议中断。

2. Decide on the subject of the meeting, and communicate it to participants. This follows the logic of in-person meetings, and allows your colleagues to not only ensure that the meeting is relevant to them, but to prepare themselves for it in advance. Whether the meeting is online or not, nothing is more frustrating than an employee who clearly hasn’t prepared for a meeting and can’t participate in the discussion. This is even more aggravating during an online meeting, because it’ll seem like the person is doing something else on their computer. So it's a good idea to always prepare an agenda and share it with those invited well before the meeting.
2. 定下会议主题,和与会人员交流。这和面对面的会议的逻辑是一样的。这不仅能能让他们确定这场会议与自己相关,也能让他们提前做好准备。无论会议是线上还是线下,最糟糕的是员工明显没有对会议做过准备,无法参与讨论。这一点在线上会议中更为严重。因为这看起来像是这个人在电脑在上干别的事。所以,总是准备好议程,和受邀参加会议的人员共享。

3. Send invitations ahead of the meeting. Chances are that whatever online meeting tool you have chosen will let you easily send invitations to the participants. Invitations should include the meeting’s time and date and also the link that will let people log in to the meeting. Phone-in details for the meeting are also useful, in case headsets don’t work. And because many people live by their Outlook calendars, it’s also wise to ensure that invitations can be saved in those.
3. 在会议前发出邀请。很可能你选的软件能让邀请与会人员变得很容易。邀请函中应该包括会议的时间、日期,还有能登录到会议中的链接。会议中电话互动也很有用,以防耳机无法使用。由于很多人根据outlook邮箱日历安排日程,明智的做法是保证这些邀请能够在outloo日历上保存。