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线上会议不简单 组织方法大揭秘

4. Prepare your meeting material ahead. Online meetings need a visual element in order to engage the audience and stay interesting throughout. So you should use the meeting’s format to your advantage and share not only the traditional PowerPoint presentation, but also take this as an opportunity to share interesting links – these can be news articles, pictures or even videos. The more creative you get, the more interesting your meeting will become. Just remember to keep all materials relevant and professional.
4. 提前准备会议材料。线上会议需要可视化元素来让观众参与进来,并全程保持兴趣。所以你应该对你有利的会议模板,不仅仅共享传统的PPT幻灯片展示,还可以分享一些有趣的链接——可以是新文章、图片、视频。你越有创意,你的会议就会变得越有趣。但要记住所有的材料都与会议相关并且是专业的。

5. Consider interactive tools such as polls or questionnaires. There’s nothing less interesting than a one-way online meeting, where the host just talks the entire time, but never asks for any sort of input. This makes it more of a lecture than a meeting. Avoid this situation by not only constantly planning breaks in your presentation to ask for input, but also by using polls and short questionnaires to get people participating. Also plan enough time for a question and answer (Q&A) or further discussion section.
5. 考虑交互手段,比如投票或是问卷。单向的在线会议特别无聊,只有主持人一直在讲,从不发问寻求意见。这更像是一场讲座,而不是一场会议。要避免这种情况,在你的演讲汇总经常停顿咨询意见,也可以使用投票和简短的问卷,让人们参与进来。准备足够的问答时间或者是深入讨论的环节。

6. Do a follow up post-meeting. During the meeting, you should announce that you will be both sending the meeting’s minutes and also following up on what’s been discussed the next day, or at most week. This way, you can ensure that anything that needs to be done after the meeting is clarified and has been assigned to someone. But you shouldn’t make this follow-up only about actions. Also ask for input on the meeting’s online format, so your team can come up with solutions that will work to make these meetings more efficient and effective.
6. 会后进行追踪工作。在会上,你应该说明第二天,最多1个星期,你会把会议记录和要讨论的后续跟进都发送出去。这样,你可以保证会后需要完成的事都说清楚了,并分配到具体某人。但是后续跟进不应该只包含行到。也要询问对于会议在线模式的意见,这样你的团队可以提出解决办法,让会议变得更有效。

As you can see, running an online meeting isn’t that different from a face-to-face one. All you need is familiarity with the tool together with careful planning ahead so you can be sure that the meeting will be relevant, interactive and interesting. And don’t forget to follow-up, otherwise everything discussed could easily be lowered in the priorities list or even forgotten.