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7. China is being increasingly assertive in pushing its territorial claims in the South China Sea, which has worried many of its neighbors. China also says it will not pursue hegemony and will unswervingly stick to the path of peaceful development. Do you understand why so many of China's neighbors doubt these claims? How do you respond to accusations that China's activities in the South China Sea could be worsening the security situation in the region? What is China's ultimate aim with its current activities in the South China Sea?

A: To follow the path of peaceful development serves China's fundamental interests, and is also what regional countries and peoples expect from us. It is a strategic choice made by China that has not changed and will not change. For many years, China's active efforts for win-win cooperation with its neighbors have brought real benefits to countries and peoples in the region. Under the new circumstances, China will strive to deliver more benefits of its development to neighboring countries and peoples. China will continue to pursue friendship and partnership with its neighbors, build a harmonious, secure and prosperous neighborhood and follow through on its policy of amity, sincerity, mutual-benefit and inclusiveness towards its neighbors.

The islands and reefs in the South China Sea are Chinese territory since ancient times. They are left to us by our ancestors. The Chinese people will not allow anyone to infringe on China's sovereignty and related rights and interests in the South China Sea. The actions China has taken in the South China Sea are legitimate reactions to safeguard its territorial sovereignty. Expansionism refers to laying claims to land outside one's own territory. China has never done anything like that, so such doubts or accusations are unwarranted.

With the joint efforts of all parties, the situation in the South China Sea has on the whole been stable. The South China Sea provides important waterways for China's international commercial exchanges. China needs peace, security and stability in the South China Sea more than any other country. China would not want any turbulence there, still less would it be the party to stir up chaos. It is working hard to take forward consultations on a code of conduct in the South China Sea within the framework of fully and effectively implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. China will continue to work with its neighbors in the South China Sea to manage disputes through institutionalized dialogue, peacefully resolve disputes through negotiation and consultation, actively explore win-win results through cooperation and joint development, and safeguard the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by countries in accordance with international law. We will together endeavor to make the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation. And the efforts of countries in the region to maintain peace and stability there deserve more respect.

8. China has asked for international help from countries including Britain to return corruption suspects who have fled overseas. Some of these countries have complained that China is reluctant to hand over the evidence needed for them to be able to process deportation orders in court. How will China improve its cooperation with foreign countries to get these suspects back?

A: China's judicial departments would readily provide solid evidence on specific cases in international anti-corruption cooperation. China is a country with rule of law. It acts according to law and on the basis of facts both in fighting corruption within the country and carrying out international anti-corruption cooperation.

In any country, corruption is most detested by the people. International cooperation in this area is aimed at bringing criminal suspects who have committed acts of corruption and absconded overseas back to China to face justice. China and the UK have maintained sound cooperation in jointly fighting corruption and concluded the treaty for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, which has laid the legal foundation for jointly fighting corruption.

In today's world, no country or place should provide shelter or even safe haven for corrupt elements and their proceeds of crime. What baffles the Chinese people the most is that some corrupt elements for whose crimes there are solid evidence should be able to stay at large in some countries and escape the punishment of the law by citing all kinds of excuses. Due to differences in legal systems between countries, some technical legal matters need to be worked through in international cooperation against corruption. This requires various parties to explore solutions together. In particular, anti-corruption and law enforcement agencies need to strengthen cooperation in investigation and information sharing on individual cases. I am convinced that as long as we have the political will to fight corruption, international cooperation in this field will surely yield more results.