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AP News in a Minute
AP News:美国宾州高速旅游大巴发生严重车祸
This is AP News Minute.
AP News in a Minute2020-03-05
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the United States may target more Iranian leaders if Tehran retailiates for the killing of a top Iranian general. He saAP News: 美国冠状病毒死亡人数增至6人
We now at this time have 10 confirmed cases of COVID-19 Evergreen. Despite our best efforts, six of those cases have died. And our condolences go out to the patients' families in
AP News in a Minute2020-03-04AP News: 彭斯介绍美国应对疫情新进展
At the present moment, we have 43 domestic cases of the coronavirus, 48 cases of individuals who have returned to the United States. Of the domestic cases, 29 of the 43 are either
AP News in a Minute2020-03-03AP News:多名沙特军人将被美方驱逐出境
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AP News in a Minute2020-02-10
The United States is removing nearly two dozen Saudi military students from a training program and sending them back to Saudi Arabia. Attorney general WillAP News:特朗普威胁对伊拉克进行经济惩罚
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AP News in a Minute2020-02-01
Massive funeral processions held in Iran on Sunday, Monday for general Qassem Soleimani. Hundreds of thousands took part. A US airstrike killed the generalAP News:伊朗新任指挥官扬言报复美国
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AP News in a Minute2020-01-21
Thousands of militiamen and other supporters chanting "America is the great Satan" marched in a funeral procession in Baghdad for Iran's top general, wAP News:哈梅内伊誓言要"严厉报复"
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AP News in a Minute2020-01-13
President Donald Trump says an Iranian general was killed 'to stop a war,' and Trump vows the United States is 'ready and prepared' for anyAP News:伊朗对暗杀行动进行报复
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AP News in a Minute2020-01-09
A US airstrike in Baghdad killed Iran's top general. The US said the general was planning attacks against American diplomats and service members.
IranAP News:澳大利亚山火肆虐
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AP News in a Minute2020-01-07
US army soldiers from 82nd airborne division out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina have began to deploying to Middle East. This follows the attack on the US emAP News:美军第82空降师出兵中东
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AP News in a Minute2020-01-07
Iran-backed militiamen have withdrawn from the U.S. embassy compound in Baghdad following clashes with American security forces, which the U.S. blames on TAP News:世界各地喜迎2020年
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AP News in a Minute2020-01-06
President Trump has ordered 750 more soldiers deployed to the Middle East. This follows the attack on the US embassy in Iraq, which the US blames on Iran.AP News:伦敦桥发生持刀伤人事件
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AP News in a Minute2020-01-06
A man wearing a fake explosive vest stabbed several people in London, killing two in what police are treating as a terrorist attack. After the stabbings,AP News:特朗普访问驻阿美军
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AP News in a Minute2020-01-06
President Donald Trump paid a surprise visit to U.S. troops in Afghanistan Thursday. Spending more than two-and-a-half hours on the ground, Trump served tAP News:美德州化工厂发生大规模爆炸
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-31
A massive explosion was reported early Wednesday at a chemical plant in east Texas. Evacuations were ordered around the plant. Windows were blown out milesAP News:教宗方济各访问日本
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-30
Anti-corruption protests in Iraq have killed more than 320 people in the past two months. The U.S. wants Iraq to show restraint. Vice president Mike PenceAP News:美国白宫因飞机进入禁飞区短暂关闭
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-27
The U.S. capitol and its office buildings were briefly evacuated amid Tuesday morning concerns about a small aircraft. Officials say the plane violated airAP News:美联邦法官裁定前白宫法律顾问作证
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-26
A federal judge has ordered former White House Counsel Don Mcgahn to appear before Congress. Democrats want to question him about possible obstruction of jAP News:英国安德鲁王子因丑闻被解除王室公职
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-25
Ambassador Gordon Sondland told House impeachment investigators that he worked with Rudy Guiliani on Ukraine at the 'express direction' of PresidenAP News:谷歌推出游戏服务Stadia
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-25
Another round of impeachment hearing Tuesday with one top national security aide who listened to President Donald Trump's July call with Ukraine'sAP News:旅美大熊猫贝贝归国
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-25
Two man and a woman were fatally shot Monday at a Walmart in Oklahoma. The Duncan police chief says two of those killed were in a vehicle outside the storeAP News:美韩无限期推迟联合军演
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-19
Defense Secretary Mark Esper says the U.S. and South Korea have indefinitely postponed a joint military exercise as an “act of goodwill" toward North KoreAP News:第17人出席特朗普弹劾案闭门听证
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-18
After a week of public hearings, House impeachment investigators met in private Saturday with Mark Sandy. Sandy is the first White House budget officer toAP News:南加州一高中发生枪击案
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-16
A student gunman opened fire at a southern California high school, killing two students and wounding three others. He was captured after shooting himself iAP News:特朗普被控滥用职权
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-12
Democrats in Congress say Wednesday's impeachment hearings demonstrated that president Trump abused his office, by pressing Ukraine to investigate DemoAP News:威尼斯遭遇史上第二严重水灾
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AP News in a Minute2019-12-11
Public impeachment hearings of President Donald Trump got underway Wednesday in Washington. The first two witnesses are William Taylor, the top US diplomat
栏目广告位二 |