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AP News in a Minute
AP News:美拟再推4500亿美元新刺激
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-30
A gunman and 16 others are dead after the worst mass shooting in Canadian history. Authorities say a man disguised as a policeman shot people in their homeAP News:加拿大发生史上最严重枪击案
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-29
The Trump administration and congress are nearing an agreement as early as Sunday on an aid package of up to $450 billion. Boosting a small-business loan pAP News:新加坡新增728例新冠肺炎病例
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-28
President Donald Trump has given governors a road map for recovering from the economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic, laying out a phased approach to reAP News:西班牙一棺材厂供不应求
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-26
The coronavirus pandemic has prompted a spike in demand for food pantries as millions of people find themselves out of work, the government reported ThursdAP News:俄罗斯推"凭证出行"防疫措施
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-22
The head of the World Health Organization's Europe 0ffice is hailing a show of support including some "commitments" from around the world for the U.N.AP News:特朗普宣布美国暂停资助世卫组织
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-22
President Donald Trump says he has directed a halt to U.S. payments to the World Health Organization.
In South Korea, a parliamentary election on WednesdaAP News:桑德斯支持拜登竞选美国总统
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-21
Strong storms and tornadoes pounded the deep South Sunday into Monday. Killing at least 19 people in Mississippi, Georgia, Arkansas and South Carolina. DozAP News: 西班牙派发口罩保障复工
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-17
Pope Francis on Easter Monday prayed for countries hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, while the toll of deaths and infections continued to grow arounAP News: 美国疫情死亡率居全球首位
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-17
The U.S. death toll from the coronavirus is now the highest in the world, surpassing 20,000 Saturday. Chicago and other cities across the Midwest braced foAP News: 特朗普称美国疫情形势好转
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-17
President Donald Trump is bemoaning the number of Americans who have died due to the coronavirus, while also pointing signs of hope. The President says "inAP News: 墨西哥反对石油减产协议
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-17
President Donald Trump is predicting sunny skies ahead for the U.S. economy, even as federal government announced 6.6 million Americans applied for unemploAP News: 美国申请失业救济人数创新高
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-17
Leaders are warning that hard-won gains in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic must not be jeopardized by relaxing social distancing during Easter.AP News: 疫情下的巴黎空空如也
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-10
Britain’s government is trying to keep a grip on the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as Prime Minister Boris Johnson spends a third day inAP News: 特鲁多动员企业生产3万台呼吸机
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-10
New York state recorded 731 new coronavirus deaths on Tuesday, marking the biggest one-day jump in the outbreak. The governor said the number of deaths incAP News: 英国首相病情恶化入院治疗
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-08
The steep rise in coronavirus deaths in New York appears to be leveling off offering a faint glimmer of hope in the nation's epicenter. But the state&#AP News: 纽约州新冠肺炎死亡人数再飙升
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-08
With coronavirus deaths climbing rapidly in New York, the governor Andrew Cuomo announced Friday he will use his authority to take ventilators and protectiAP News: 美国纽约州新冠肺炎死亡人数破千
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-07
The US death toll from the coronavirus has has climbed past 3,500. New York governor Andrew Cuomo reported Tuesday that deaths in New York State had risenAP News: 温网公开赛因疫情取消
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-07
As hot spots in the coronavirus pandemic flared around the country- New York continues to be the hardest hit with the statewide death toll doubling in threAP News: 美国失业人数创新高
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AP News in a Minute2020-04-07
The stunning report Thursday from the U.S. Labor Department shows that job cuts are mounting against the backdrop of economies in the United States and abrAP News: 俄亥俄州选民对推迟初选不满
"I'm just extremely disappointed. I mean the thing is I really want to vote. You know, I want to make sure my voice heard especially you know from all the years of back in the
AP News in a Minute2020-03-18AP News: 路易斯安那州推迟初选投票
Today, I have certified that a state of emergency exists, and requested that the Governor issue an executive order postponing the spring elections. We have requested postponing the
AP News in a Minute2020-03-16AP News: 密歇根成为民主党初选重点州
Tonight is really important because it's our first chance to see Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in a head to head contest. They are the only two on the ballot in these six states
AP News in a Minute2020-03-11AP News: 至尊公主号上21人新冠病毒检测呈阳性
Among those tested, 46 persons were swabbed, 21 of those on the ship tested positive for the coronavirus. 24 tested negative. One test was inconclusive. Again, let me say 21 indivi
AP News in a Minute2020-03-09AP News: 奥斯卡各项大奖将花落谁家?
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AP News in a Minute2020-03-05
Two NYPD officers were ambushed and shot late Saturday and early Sunday. Officials confirmed a suspect is in custody for both shootings. The officers are eAP News: 民主党首场初选计票陷入混乱
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AP News in a Minute2020-03-05
Democratic Party chairman Tom Perez is calling for a recanvass of the Iowa caucus. Results show Pete Buttigieg with a narrow lead over Bernie Sanders. Ther
栏目广告位二 |