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AP News in a Minute
AP News:纽约市进入"复工"第三个阶段
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-15
The White House continues to put race, social justice and southern heritage at the center of president Trump's 2020 re-election campaign. In a tweet MoAP News:印度现已成第四疫情重灾区
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-14
Baltimore demonstrators have pulled down a statue of Christopher Columbus, the latest takedown of monuments condemned by protesters in the wake of George FAP News:美国多地取消独立日烟花表演
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-14
President Donald Trump is heading to south Dakota for a July fourth fireworks display at Mount. Rushmore. Meanwhile, the U.S. is heading into the weekend wAP News:白宫称美国经济正"强势复苏"
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-10
The FBI arrested British socialite Ghisl Aine Maxwell on Thursday on charges she helped procure underage sex partners for financier Jeffrey Epstein. An indAP News:纽约市继续实施餐厅"户外用餐"措施
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-09
Facing bipartisan pressure from congress, the Trump administration is defending its handling of Russian bounties for killing U.S. troops in Afghanistan. TrAP News:联邦法院:美国或知晓俄"悬赏"塔利班袭击美军
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-08
The White House is insisting that President Donald Trump was not made aware of U.S. intelligence officials' conclusion that Russia secretly offered bouAP News:特朗普转发"白人力量"推文引争议
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-07
Another tragic milestone was passed Sunday in the coronavirus pandemic: 500,000 deaths worldwide. The reported tally comes from Johns Hopkins University reAP News:联邦法院:美国密西西比州将重新设计州旗
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-06
Mississippi lawmakers could vote in the next few days to remove the Confederate battle emblem from the state flag. The symbol has come under criticism in rAP News:联邦法院:特朗普无权挪用资金建边境墙
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-03
A federal appeals court has ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of military money to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico.AP News:美国三个州新增隔离14天要求
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-02
A GOP-backed police reform bill has hit a roadblock in the Senate as Democrats have refused to agree to open debate as they push for greater changes in polAP News:美国曼哈顿联邦检察官被撤职
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-01
The standoff between Attorney General William Barr and the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan has ended. The prosecutor, Geoffrey Berman, stepped down SatAP News:特朗普政府废除“追梦人计划”遭最高法驳回
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-30
U.S. political leaders on Thursday praised the Supreme Court decision rejecting president Donald Trump's efforts to end legal protections for 650,000 yAP News:拜登指责特朗普应对疫情不力
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-29
The Atlanta officer who fatally shot Rayshard Brooks in the back after the fleeing man pointed a stun gun in his direction is going to be charged. Fulton CAP News:特朗普签署一项涉警方执法行政令
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-24
President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday encouraging better police practices and establishing a database to track officers with a history of excesAP News:特朗普即将举行大型竞选集会
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-24
The director of the Tulsa Health Department says he wishes president Donald Trump would postpone a planned campaign rally because of recent increases in thAP News:美国亚特兰大一黑人男子遭枪杀
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-23
Atlanta's police department has released bodycamera and dashboard camera footage of the attempted arrest and fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks outsideAP News:美股三大股指暴跌后回升
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-19
Stock markets are picking up following Wall Street's steep sell-off Thursday amid worries over a possible “second wave" of coronavirus cases. The DowAP News:特朗普政府制裁国际刑事法院引哗然
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-18
Stocks plunged on Wall Street as coronavirus cases increase again, deflating recent optimism that the economy could recover quicker as lockdowns ease. TheAP News:美联储将维持零利率
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-17
George Floyd's brother is challenging congress to "stop the pain," testifying on Capitol Hill that Floyd's death should not be in vain. Philonise FAP News:捷克首都布拉格数百人示威游行
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-16
A funeral was held in Texas Tuesday for George Floyd, the black man who died in Minneapolis as a white policeman pressed a knee into his neck. Floyd'sAP News:西伯利亚柴油泄漏事故清理工作持续
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-16
New York officials are urging those participating in protests to get tested for the coronavirus, as rallies over George Floyd's death continue around tAP News:拜登正式获民主党总统候选人提名
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-12
Tens of thousands rallied Saturday in cities across the globe to honor George Floyd and voice their support for the Black Lives Matter movement. In WashingAP News:华盛顿市长下令街道涂字声援抗议活动
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-11
President Donald Trump's first trip to Maine as president was meant to showcase the administration's work to fight the coronavirus but it attractedAP News:美国75岁老人被警察推倒头部流血
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-11
Protests in New York over George Floyd's police-involved death ran past an 8 pm curfew. Police did make orderly arrests, following criticism over use oAP News:特朗普欲派兵镇压暴乱遭反对
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-09
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has announced new charges against police officers in the death of George Floyd while in police custody. The main s
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