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AP News in a Minute
AP News:印度疫情严重程度仅次于美国、巴西
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-19
President Trump's campaign is suing two Iowa counties, to try to invalidate tens of thousands of voter absentee ballot applications. Trump admitted inAP News:以色列阿联酋建立全面外交关系
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-18
President Trump said he expects more countries will come forward and agree to peace in the Middle East following a a deal between the United Arab EmiratesAP News:美国两党抗疫救济金谈判失败
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-18
The White House and Congressional Democrats are still far apart on a coronavirus relief deal, with negotiations said to be all but over. President Trump saAP News:拜登将与副总统人选首次同台亮相
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-14
Joe Biden is set to appear in public with his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, in Delaware on Wednesday. The presumptive Democratic presidential nomineAP News:俄罗斯注册世界首款新冠疫苗
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-14
Russia on Tuesday became the first country to clear a coronavirus vaccine, declaring it ready for use despite international skepticism due to the small samAP News:全球确诊病例超过2000万
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-13
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide has moved past 20 million, according to a count by Johns Hopkins University. 5 million of the cases havAP News:美国新冠肺炎确诊病例已超500万
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-12
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States has reached 5 million, according to a count from Johns Hopkins University. Health officialsAP News:美国两党就疫情救助方案争执不下
This is AP New Minute.
AP News in a Minute2020-08-11
The White House chief of staff says Trump may use executive authority to extend a partial eviction ban and address unemployment benefits. Congressional RepuAP News:美国总统大选激战升温
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-08
President Donald Trump and Joe Biden are both scrambling to decide how and where to deliver their convention acceptance speeches, a fresh sign of the waysAP News:黎巴嫩爆炸祸起硝酸铵
This is AP News Minute.
AP News in a Minute2020-08-06
President Donald Trump now is encouraging voters in the critical swing state of Florida to vote by mail after months of criticizing the practice, and onlyAP News:黎巴嫩首都发生巨大爆炸
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-06
After crashing ashore near the South Carolina-North Carolina border, Category 1 hurricane Tropical-storm Isaias swept up through the northeast on Tuesday.AP News:美国FDA召回75款有毒洗手液
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-04
The FDA is warning consumers that methanol is not an acceptable active ingredient for hand sanitizers, recalling over 75 different hand sanitizing productsAP News:特朗普竞选连任主题:"法律与秩序"
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AP News in a Minute2020-08-03
President Donald Trump and attorney general William Barr have announced that federal agents will surge into Chicago and other American cities with rising cAP News:芝加哥一殡仪馆外发生枪击事件
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-30
The price tag for the next coronavirus relief package could go past $1 trillion. Senator Majority leader McConnell promises direct payments to earners beloAP News:白宫派联邦探员"平乱"引发危机
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-30
The White House is defending the use of federal officers at protests in Portland, Oregon, citing a U-S code that allows the Department of Homeland SecurityAP News:美国多地举行"为黑人生命而罢工"活动
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-29
Top Republicans in congress met with President Donald Trump at the White House Monday to discuss a new COVID-19 relief package. Senate Majority leader MitcAP News:特朗普称不会立刻接受2020年选举结果
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-29
President Trump won't publicly commit to accepting the results of the upcoming presidential election, a similar threat he made weeks before the 2016 voAP News:欧盟就"复苏基金"协议举行第二轮会议
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-27
John Lewis, a lion of the civil rights movement has died. He was 80. Lewis' bloody beating by Alabama state troopers in 1965 helped galvanize oppositioAP News:英国碧翠丝公主低调举行婚礼
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-24
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she is receiving chemotherapy for a recurrence of cancer, but has no plans to retire from the Supreme Court. The 87-year-oAP News:乔治亚州州长阻止强制口罩令
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-23
Georgia governor Brian Kemp is suing Atlanta, to stop the city from enforcing its mask mandate. But mayors of Atlanta, another Georgia city say they will kAP News:美国连续17周申请失业金人数过百万
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-23
Millions of Americans filed for unemployment benefits for a seventeenth consecutive week, as layoffs in states like Georgia, Florida and California continuAP News:美国佛州新冠病例超30万
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-22
President Donald Trump's lawyers say they will consider challenging a subpoena for his tax records by criminal prosecutors on grounds that it's a fAP News:特朗普指拜登剽窃其"经济计划"
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-21
President Donald Trump and his political rival, Joe Biden, traded jabs on a day when Trump flew to the battleground state of Florida to campaign and raiseAP News:韩国首尔市长身亡
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-17
More than 1.3 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week, a staggering figure that shows many employers are still laying people off as a rAP News:美联航或因疫情裁员3.6万人
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AP News in a Minute2020-07-17
President Donald Trump's meeting with Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico was billed as a celebration of economic ties and the new North American tra
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