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AP News in a Minute
AP News:特朗普携夫人访问宗教场所被指"作秀"
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-08
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington Tuesday as protests raged across the countAP News:美国众多商店被抗议者洗劫一空
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-05
Macy's flagship store and other businesses were targeted as violence followed protests in New York. Windows were broken, merchandise was taken and peopAP News:弗洛伊德尸检结果确认死于他杀
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-04
An autopsy commissioned for George Floyd's family found that he died of asphyxiation due to neck and back compression when a Minneapolis police officerAP News:美国骚乱持续升级奢侈品店被洗劫一空
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-03
Emergency services and volunteers began clearing damage in Minneapolis on Saturday after violent unrest the previous night saw businesses left burnt out anAP News:跪杀黑人的警察被控三级谋杀和过失杀人
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-03
Prosecutors have charged a Minneapolis police officer with third degree murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd, an African American who diedAP News:黑人男子枉死引发美国多地抗议
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AP News in a Minute2020-06-02
At least one shooting death has reported during the second straight night of protests in Minneapolis. Demonstrations, fires and looting all have follow theAP News:白宫促各州2周内完成养老院病毒检测
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-29
The Memorial Day Weekend marking the unofficial start of summer in the U.S. meant big crowds at beaches and warnings from authorities about people disregarAP News:巴基斯坦坠机事件2人生还
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-28
Time is running out on an arms control treaty that, if it's allowed to expire, will leave the world with no legal restrictions on U.S. and Russian nuclearAP News:FBI局长启动对弗林调查的内部审查
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-27
President Donald Trump declared houses of worship to be "essential" and called on U.S. governors to allow them to reopen for services this weekend. Trump sAP News:特朗普宣布拟退出《开放天空条约》
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-27
President Donald Trump left the White House for Michigan Thursday as he clashed with state officials over federal aid. Trump was heading to a Ford Motor plAP News:特朗普反对美国大选邮寄投票
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-25
President Donald Trump has threatened to hold up federal funds for two battleground states that are trying to make it easier and safer to vote during the cAP News:拜登指责特朗普服用"不负责任"
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-22
President Trump calls a study of veterans using a malaria drug "false" and an "enemy statement." The study raises alarms. Other studies also show that drugAP News:特朗普威胁退出世卫组织
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-21
Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin defended White House efforts to reopen the economy while ensuring Americans are protected from the coronavirus. Speaking rAP News:特朗普力荐抗疟疾药物治疗新冠肺炎
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-20
Top Democrats are criticizing President Trump for taking malaria drug that he's promoted to treat COVID-19. Doctors say hydroxychloroquine can have potAP News:美国国务院监察长被解雇
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-20
Congressional democrats say the State Department watchdog fired by President Donald Trump last week was investigating a massive arms sale to Saudi Arabia lAP News:希拉里公开支持拜登竞选总统
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-19
Financial experts bracing for grim new economic data. The commerce department is set to release the first quarter gross domestic product numbers on WednesdAP News:佩洛西支持拜登竞选美总统
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-15
The head of the World Health Organization urged countries to continue to find, isolate, test and treat all cases of COVID-19 as lockdowns across Europe staAP News:英国成为第五个死亡人数超2万例的国家
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-14
New York is starting to test healthcare workers for coronavirus antibodies and will do the same next week with transit and law enforcement workers as the sAP News:特朗普称疟疾药物可治疗新冠病毒
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-13
President Donald Trump has signed a $484 billion bill that aids employers and hospitals under stress from the coronavirus pandemic. The outbreak has killedAP News:美军吉布提军事基地宣布紧急状态
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-12
President Trump is set to sign the latest coronavirus aid bill on Friday. Congress voted almost unanimously to pass the nearly $500 billion in aid for emplAP News:加州2月初已出现新冠死亡病例
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-11
Newly confirmed tests show two people with coronavirus died near San Francisco in February. This shows the virus was spreading in California weeks before hAP News:美伊紧张关系再次升级
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-09
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says he has enlisted former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg to boost contact tracing in the region, aimed at finding pAP News:洛杉矶宣布为所有居民免费提供新冠检测
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-09
In what's believed to be a first in the United States, an entire town is being tested for the coronavirus, regardless of whether or not residents are sAP News:金正恩久未露面引外界猜测
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-07
President Trump said on twitter that immigration into the US will be temporarily suspended. He said he will sign an executive order due to the coronavirusAP News:加拿大举国哀悼枪击案遇难者
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AP News in a Minute2020-05-06
The number of people in New York state who have died due to the coronavirus continues to drop slowly, with 478 fatalities tallied on Sunday. Officials in t
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