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白宫是美国总统府所在地,坐落在首都华盛顿市中心区的宾夕法尼亚大街1600号。北接拉斐特广场,南邻爱丽普斯公园,与高耸的华盛顿纪念碑相望。 听写系统使用教程新闻词汇天天学恋爱英语必杀句



Every new administration arrives heady with resolve to make history. Unfortunately, the Bush administration was also determined to hide a lot of it. It somehow deleted hundreds of days’ worth of official White House e-mail from the public record. Also gone missing are messages from top Bush appointees who improperly used private Republican Party e-mail accounts to conduct public business. All this underscores the need for legal protections to ensure that the nation’s increasingly electronic history is preserved.

A measure moving through Congress would strengthen the power of the National Archives to require that the White House and other related agencies preserve all of their electronic records. The office of the archivist would establish better procedures and would be required to check and certify that the systems are doing the job. This is crucial, since Congressional investigators found that archive officials backed off from inspections of e-mail storage during the last administration.

Bush officials pleaded faulty technology as the cause of the missing e-mail. Maybe it was an accident that entire workdays turned up blank at the offices of President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Maybe it was a coincidence that hundreds of thousands of the missing e-mail messages went missing during the lead-up to the Iraq war — with its manipulated intelligence — and the outing of Valerie Plame and the decision to destroy C.I.A. interrogation tapes.

All such maybes are no substitute for the actual historic record. Congress must protect this priceless taxpayer property before any more history goes missing.