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If there is anyone out there…

In Chicago president-elect, Barack Obama is promising change, but some American troops stationed in the Middle East say they just want more support.

And I feel like, uh, ascertained, because he is an African-American. I don’t know, whether it would leave us in here, push us to the future or, negative or positive, but I’m glad the elections are over, a lot of bigwig is over so ,we will see what happens.

Amid recent security gains, Obama has promised to end the war in Iraq, he also promises to send reinforcements to Afghanistan which is facing a sharp rise in violence. Many US soldiers hope the new president would confront the economic hardship back home, and still be able to improve conditions for troops fighting two wars.

I think both candidates offered more support for the troops. They want them pulled back early out of there. Apparently it's their stances. They are both supportive of the troops.

Some soldiers worry about Obama’s ability to keep his campaign promises. Obama says he’ll withdraw US troops from Iraq within 16 months.

Judy Boshier, the Associated Press