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It is a tough time right now for anyone to find a job. It’s particularly hard for some college grads. A lot of people are at least worried about what they're gonna do in terms of finding a job when they graduate. So let's bring in Eric Yaverbaum, he is president of CollegeClickTV.com here, uh, with some tips for us. Thanks for being here, Eric.

Thanks for having me.

Talk to us about, people that are just about to graduate from college or maybe they recently graduated. They are trying to get a job. Tips for them. What do they possibly have to offer employers that other people might not right now?

Well, you know, one, it's a new world, and you got the generation born with a mouse in their hand it's graduating. And a lot of people who want that generation working for them, that’s an incredible talent set that not everybody has.

Um, two is get real experience, I mean if you get while you are in college, just great. If you can't get a job, get an internship. There is a big difference between those who have internships and those who have experience and those who don’t. And I can tell you as an employer is that we get a stack of resumes more than ever obviously now. And the ones that we pull out are the ones that have experience and those of people who did internships.

You know there are a lot of people applying to graduate school right now for a professional degree and going for higher education, hoping to ride out this recession and this extremely weak job market. Some tips for them in terms of being able to afford higher education or possibly asking teaming up with employers. Or some employers will pay for part of a degree if it ties in right with the, with what they do and if you're going to assure them that you work for them for certain money, is that so around?

Yea, it's still around, but it's a lot less. It’s just like universities. They have a lot less to give. Corporations have a lot less to give, so in part you are on your own. But knowledge is power. You need to be empowered with the information that will serve you best and you've got to, that education will always pay off in a long-term. Times are tough, I know, they will not always be like this. We’re the big bad United States and we will come back and your education will be a value to you.

We will leave it there, Eric. Thank you so much people can learn more on...

CollegeClickTV.com, you can make, you can see a 360 degree perspective of any college you might wanna look at.

Alright, there we go, thanks Eric.

Thank you.


1.       tip: A helpful hint提示

2.       set: 集合

3.       a stack of: 一堆、一摞,大量

4.       pull out: 抽出,取出

5.       ride out : hang on during a trial of endurance安然度过,经受得住

6.       teaming up with: 合作,协作

7.       tie in with: 与…一致,与…有关

8.       it's still around: it’s still available

9.       empowered with: endow, give qualities or abilities to赋予

10.   big bad: the "big bad guy" is a term used in gaming, referring to the final boss, who, more often than not, seems indestructible