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美国“纳税日” 数百城市爆发抗议集会




On the day known to most Americans as tax day, the annual deadline for filing federaling tax returns. President Brack Obama defended his tax policies and promised his administration would rewrite what he called the mon-strous US tax code.

"We’ve passed tax cuts,that will help our economy grow; we’ve made a clear promise, that families that earn less than 250,000 dollars a year will not see their taxes increase by a single dime and we have kept to those promises that were made during the campaign. "

But those promises have not impressed tens of thousands of Americans nationwide, who took part in organized protest known as "Tea Parties", events took place in dozens of cities, including Boston Massachusetts, outside the state capital building in Lansing Michigan, and in Louisville, Kentucky. "Walltown, get out! Rockfeller , get out! JP Morgan, get out!"

In Washington, protestors gathered outside the White House, complaining that the government takes too much from their pocket books.

"I think it’s time to let people know that we are upset with some of the spendings going on, the amount of spending is just unheralded in the history of this country."

"The kid’s futures are probably retirement-wise, we gonna  have to not toretireas early as ,uh, people are today."

The "tea parties" were a rallying cry for many conservatives, who have complaint against what they see as too many government handouts to banks as well as the auto and mortgage industries.