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Brazilian Air Force finds more debris from Flight 447

The Brazilian Air Force has found more debris from an Air France jet that plunged into the Atlantic Ocean early Monday with 228 people on board.A 20-kilometer-long oil track was also spotted but searchers have still found no signs of life. A total of 11 aircraft from Brazil, France and the United States are involved in the search efforts. Paris also sent a mini submarine in an attempt to find the plane's Flight Data Recorder, which may prove to be a difficult task.In Paris, a religious ceremony was held at the Notre Dame Cathedral to mourn those presumed dead during the crash.

Chinese scientist confirmed on board missing Air France plane

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has confirmed that one of its researchers was on board the ill-fated Air France plane.35-year-old Xiao Xiang was an associate research fellow of CAS Institute of Engineering Thermophysics.So far, the identities of all the nine Chinese nationals on board the missing plane have been confirmed.

China sees some recovery in employment, more efforts needed

China has seen some recovery signs in employment, as more than 3.6 million urbanites found new jobs during the first four months this year.Altogether nearly 2.7 million new jobs were created in the first quarter, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. China's urban unemployment rate was 4.2 percent at the end of 2008.There were 8.86 million urban residents registered as jobless.

China expects seed viruses of A/H1N1 flu within this week

China is to receive seed viruses of the A/H1N1 flu from the World Health Organization within this week and will start producing vaccines in mid June.The State Food and Drug Administration says if the process goes smoothly, China will have its first batch of A/H1N1 influenza vaccines as early as in late July.On Wednesday, nine new cases of the A/H1N1 flu were reported in southern China, bringing the tally of confirmed cases on the Chinese mainland to 58.

China opens national oil reserve bases for media visit

China has opened its national oil reserve bases to domestic and foreign media for the first time since the bases were built.A total of 26 media organizations, including the Associated Press and the Reuters, visited the Zhenhai national oil reserve base in eastern Ningbo city on Wednesday. China started to build national oil reserve bases as early as in 2003 to offset oil supply risks and reduce the impact of fluctuating energy prices.

Bin Laden accuses Obama of following Bush's steps

Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden says U.S. President Barack Obama has planted the seeds of "revenge and hatred" toward the United States in the Muslim world.In an audio recording aired on Al-Jazeera television, Bin Laden warned Americans to prepare for the consequences, adding that Obama is treading in the footsteps of his predecessor George W. Bush.The remarks came as Obama began his first visit to the Middle East. He is due to deliver a major speech in Egypt on Thursday that aimed at reaching out to the Muslim world.

Madagascan court sentences former president to four years in prison

A Madagascan court has sentenced former president Marc Ravalomanana to four years in prison and a fine of 70 million U.S. dollars for abuse of power. Ravalomanana has been living in exile in Swaziland and then South Africa since March, after he was taken over by his political rival Andry Rajoelina.

Russia, U.S. conclude second round of nuclear disarmament talks

Russia and the United States have concluded their second round of talks aimed at reaching a new strategic arms reduction agreement to replace the 1991 START treaty. But both sides declined to reveal any details of their three-day discussions in Geneva. The two sides held their first round of negotiations in Moscow in mid May, which was described as a "success."

Bernanke says U.S. needs to curb record-high budget deficit

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says the country should begin efforts to curb the record-high U.S. budget deficit.He says this is critical to the nation's financial stability and healthy economic growth.The Obama administration has forecast that the budget deficit would rise to 1.84 trillion dollars in the current fiscal year, about four times the record set last year.

OAS committee reaches agreement on Cuba's reentry

The Organization of American States has ruled in favor of the return of Cuba to the group.
Due to U. S. pressure, Cuba was barred from attending OAS meetings in 1962, three years after its revolution, even though the Caribbean island nation remains a member.