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It’s perhaps the greatest investment of all. That’s why parenting experts say it’s important to know what to expect before you are expecting.

“Well, the ballpark figure is about $ 10,000 per year per kid, so if you add that up for the next 18 years, that's $ 180,000.”

So maybe time to rework your monthly budget to make room for a baby.

“Look at how much you have coming in, where you can cut back and then see where you are. Our basic rule of thumb is you wanna have about 5 to 10 percent of wiggle room in your budget, no matter what.”

If you work, make sure you know what your options are, regarding maternity leave and health insurance.

“If you work for a company that has 15 employees or more, you are going to be eligible for family and medical leave, which guarantees you 12 weeks of unpaid leave and a job when you return.”

Don’t forget about childcare if you plan to stay at home.

“You need to assess whether or not you can live on one income. So maybe you wanna practice doing that for a couple of months.”

Ultimately, however, experts say the biggest factor in your decision to have a baby may have nothing to do with numbers and everything to do with what’s in your heart.

“You are gonna do what’s right for you and what is gonna make you most happy.”

Diana Alvear, ABC News.


1.       ballpark figure: 近似数,大致正确的估计

2.       rule of thumb: A useful principle having wide application but not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable in every situation. 经验法则

3.       wiggle room: Flexibility, as of options or interpretation回旋余地

4.       maternity leave: 产假