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美国总统奥巴马在白宫接见了阿波罗11号登月任务的3名宇航员。据英国广播公司报道,奥巴马说,阿姆斯特朗、奥尔德林以及柯林斯到现在还启发着美国。奥巴马赞扬说,这批太空老兵们“英勇地、沉稳地在压力之下”进行登月任务。 奥巴马当年只有7岁,他说,当年宇航员在月球上留下的脚印,现在仍然在月球上。 他表示,太空老兵们开阔了美国在全球的视野。

You inspired an entire generation of scientists and engineers that ended up really sparking the innovation the drive the entrepreneurship, the creativity back here on earth. And I think it’s very important for us to constantly remember that NASA was not only about feeding our curiosity, that, that sense of wonder, but also had extraordinary practical applications.

And one of the things that I’ve committed to during this presidency is making sure that math and science are cool again. And that we once again achieve the goal by 2020 of having the highest college graduation rates of any country on earth especially in the math and science fields.

So I think on this 40th anniversary we are, all of us, thankful and grateful to all of you for what you’ve done and we expect that there is, as we speak, another generation of kids out there who are looking up to the sky and are gonna be the next Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrins. We wanna make sure that NASA is gonna be there for them when they want to take their journey, alright? Thank you so much. Mr. President, thank you. I'm very grateful. Thank you Mr President. Thank you so much. It’s a wonderful time, let's just make it occur again. Absolutely, thank you so much. All right, thank you everybody.