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Let me just make one thing absolutely clear. The Libyans of course were raising the case on Megrahi all the way along, not just with me but with everybody. It’s a major national concern for them. But as I used to say to them, I mean I don’t have the power to release Mr. Megrahi. And indeed the release that has taken place is a decision by the Scottish executive. Which has taken place on compassionate grounds, and those compassionate grounds indeed existed a few years back. So yes of course it’s absolutely right the Libyans are always raising this issue. But we made it clear that the only way this could be dealt with was through the proper procedures.

So the deal that Shell (英国壳牌公司) announced in 2004 for the 900-million-dollar oil and gas deal with the Libyans had nothing to do with it?

Well, how could it? I mean I wasn’t in the position to say so-and-so should be released. You know it is not the way the British system works. And the release of Mr. Megrahi as I understanded, has been done by the Scottish Executive which not only myself but my successor has no influence over on compassionate grounds, applying the normal rules to the Megrahi case, so you know I think it’s confusion of two separate things what the Libyans are always raising. Of course they always raised it. It’s a major issue. Let me just make another point however, is that I actually think it is good though that we have a situation today in which Libya has come back in from the cold and into the community of nations.

You know when I came to power back in 1997, Libya was still effectively a prior nation, and not just sanctions applied against it, notably by the United States of America, but also pursuing an act of chemical and the nuclear program. And so you know the fact that they have, we have changed the relationship with Libya is a good thing. And but this tie has been talked about as I have just explained, these are two completely separate questions.