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Today – groundwater depletion and how it’s affecting global food production. EarthSky spoke at a recent science meeting to Jay Famiglietti, director of the University of California’s Center for Hydrologic Modeling. He said he’s been using GRACE, a satellite that can trace the movement of water below ground.


Jay Famiglietti: For the first time, we’ve been able to see the ups and downs in water storage all over the planet.


Famiglietti says that, locally, he’s discovered that California’s Central Valley has lost alarming rates of groundwater. He attributes this to mostly to drought.


Jay Famiglietti: There is not as much rainfall, so there is not as much groundwater recharge. Global change is having an impact. So we are not getting the snowpack that we used to get.


Famiglietti says the impact is so significant, because California is an agricultural center.


Jay Famiglietti: The Central Valley is responsible for 25% of the food that is consumed in the United States. Without a sustainable source of water, it will be difficult to continue to grow food at the rates at which we have been growing it.


Famiglietti says he’s found evidence of increasingly parched ground all over the world. For example, he explained that water tables are dropping significantly across northern India, one of the world’s most intensely irrigated regions.


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