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1. ridicule n&v. 嘲弄

to make fun of
 –rid·i·cul·er noun
synonyms RIDICULE, DERIDE, MOCK, TAUNT mean to make an object of laughter of. RIDICULE implies a deliberate often malicious belittling <consistently ridiculed everything she said>. DERIDE suggests contemptuous and often bitter ridicule <derided their efforts to start their own business>. MOCK implies scorn often ironically expressed as by mimicry or sham deference <youngsters began to mock the helpless wino>. TAUNT suggests jeeringly provoking insult or challenge <hometown fans taunted the visiting team>.

2. regality 王位;君主地位;

–noun, plural -ties.

1) royalty, sovereignty, or kingship.

2) a right or privilege pertaining to a sovereign.

3) a kingdom.

4) (in Scotland) a. territorial jurisdiction of a royal nature formerly conferred by the sovereign.

b. a territory subject to such jurisdiction

3. weigh down 使…负重担;

1) to cause to bend down : OVERBURDEN

4. telltale = telltale sign 告密者;指示器;迹象;

1) a : TALEBEARER, INFORMER b : an outward sign : INDICATION
2) a device for indicating or recording something: as a : a wind-direction indicator often in the form of a ribbon b : a strip of metal on the front wall of a racquets or squash court above which the ball must be hit
 –telltale adjective 泄密的;

 Discrimination: tall tale 荒诞不经的故事;

n.      an improbable (unusual or incredible or fanciful) story

5. acupuncture 针灸

n.  treatment of pain or disease by inserting the tips of needles at specific points on the skin; stylostixis

6. stone n. 英石(重量单位,合14磅)

  any of various units of weight especially : an official British unit equal to 14 pounds (6.3 kilograms)