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A controversial new documentary style movie is sparking outrage in Great Britain, it imagines what would happen if Prince Harry were taken hostage by the Taliban. NBC's Michelle Kosinski is at Buckingham Palace.

Michelle, good morning.

Good morning Willie. The palace has not commented on this TV program which hasn't even aired yet. But it’s already stirring up controversy here. It’s a documentary that dramatizes what would happen if Prince Harry were captured by the Taliban while serving in the army. Some are saying at best it’s in bad taste, but at worst it's dangerous.

What would it look like if Prince Harry were taken prisoner by insurgence in Afghanistan? Well, how about this. According to a new documentary The Taking of Prince Harry that will air this month aiming to show how Britain will handle such a thing. For now, though, it is the program itself that some are finding pretty awful.

“Yes, of course it is in poor taste. I mean... a lot of people have been killed in the hostage situations.”

The docudrama, emphasizes on the drama, will show 26 years old army pilot Harry captured, forced to appear in Taliban propaganda and in a market execution, in which an unloaded gun is pointing at his face and one of the captors pulls the trigger.

“We got this sort of...,”A retired army commander spoke out this morning on a popular British morning news show. “I've seen a lot of people who come out from hostage situations. In fact I brought a hostage out. I will tell you what they feel like, absolutely terrified, absolutely completely terrified. And I think it... I just don't like it being putting in some drama documentary which actually appeals just to get the television ratings up.”

The program will also mention the young prince's nickname 'Bullet Magnet' during the month in 2008 when he did serve on the front lines in Afghanistan. When his posting there became public he was rushed home out of serious security concerns, Harry has always wanted to return.

“I’d love to go back home, I have always mentioned, now I wanna go home very, very soon.”

Now even some royal watchers say what's the big deal about a work of fiction on an interesting topic.

“Be pretty honest the time when Harry was in Afghanistan the Taliban were very vocal. And the Al-Qaeda were vocal and what they said that he was the number one target, that he was somebody they would love to capture and torture and make an example of the queen's grandson. And I think it would be giving everybody idea this is a piece of drama and I think it should be taken accept.”

People who are experts on these sorts of matters say because of the security situation, it is highly unlikely that Harry would ever be sent back to serve in Afghanistan, but here in the home front he's had his security detail increased in light of  recent terror alerts in Europe. Willie.

Alright Michelle Kosinski, thank you so much.