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Using brain waves to control household appliances sounds like the stuff of science fiction. But a Canadian company promises to make the fiction a reality. Interaxon has developed a headset embeded with electrodes that reads the various brain waves before processing them on a computer. CEO Ario Garten explains.

So, these are my brain waves, and this is the decomposition of my waves into different bands. With a headset, I can use my brain waves make the darks either expand or contract.

The company is developping a range of commercial products, such as in-flight entertainment systems and video games. Their home-based technology is already operational.

One thing this system is good for is creating enviroments that are actual responsive. It's good for doing things that respond to you. Here're the lights and the blinds respond the state that I mean.

Interaxon chief officer Charvot Corman is working with various businesses to customize the technology. Coman hopes household appliances would eventually be able to read their owners' mind.

You can imagine people having a system that understands if you having a bad day. So, when you come home, your house knows that it's gonna be nice one warm milk or a cold beer in fridge.

Within 2 years, the company hopes to be selling headsets the size of wireless bluetooth device. Garten believes the technology's possibilities are endless.

Ultimately, this is the way we're gonna be engaging in the world in the daily basis. This is how we're gonna control our devices, control our automobiles interacting with one another. This is the future of human computer interaction.

The future looks bright for those who have dreamed their appliances one day responding to their desires,without the need for physical efforts.And if you think this is the product of over-activated imagination, Interaxon executives will suggest you think it again.

Jim Trery, Reuters.