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I had quite a few meltdowns with her. She's like any child, you know. They get tired. Like right now, she's asleep.

You got up early for being here.

But you handle them like a parent. I think that there it's different to see a father out there in the pageants of course. But I mean, well, she sees me as kind of like a means of suppletory and the family, so she pretty much melts, she sees me, she is to like cool down a little bit.

Joey, let me ask you because you wrote the article in People Magazine out this week. Did you see a difference in stage moms, pageant moms versus what you saw with the pageant dads?

Yes, I think we are so used to seeing moms and daughters together that when you see the dads, they definitely have a different kind of relationship with their daughters. A pageant director said that a lot of these guys are more laid back than the moms, and a lot of the dads are the ones who are off stage having fun with the girls. And you know the moms may be a little more intense. But you know, these guys are, they are so cool with their daughters and the girls really like it.

All right. Then David, you've handled a lot of Eva's makeup and costumes. So we've got an email that you might be able to answer from Gina in Cranston Island who asks “Where did you learn how to make these dresses? What inspired you to get involved with your daughter's pageant instead of other activities? ”

First, I learned how to sew. My grandmother taught me how to sew and my mom was also a seamstress. But ...

You made this beautiful dress that Eva is wearing. Very nice!

Yes. Thank you. Basically, it's economy for me. I would not be able to dish out 6000 dollars for a dress. And I can cut prices and into her other things and I know she's involved in dance and of course the modeling and all these things. So, I do have to make cuts everywhere. You know, so it's basically by necessity, I've just learned how to do it.

You learned how to do it. And she looks beautiful. Well, thank you so much for sticking around with us this morning. Good luck with your future competitions, all right?

Thank you!

Let us know how you do. And thank you, Joey also, for bringing into our attention. You can see the latest issue of People Magazine out now, and it features pageant dads ...