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The mystery of the dying birds. There has been another incident of mass deaths.

This time in Italy. Is this now a global phenomenon or are we just paying more attention to nature work? Here is Matt Guttman.

They’re calling this the Aflockalypse. Turtle Doves falling from the sky, Faenza, Italy

littering roads and

hanging lifeless in trees, it looked like a scene from the Hitchcock The birds.

It looked similar to the mass bird kill in Louisiana this week

which looked like Beebe, Arkansas. 3,000 dead birds there, leaving locals confused.

"Beebe police department,This is Mary. Yes, ma’am I was wondering why all the birds, are just

like, dying? We’re trying to find that out.

Mass deaths recorded this week from all across the world from Arkansas to New Zealand, each incident shocking on its own. 100 tons of dead fish in Brazil, 40,000 crabs in Britain and just yesterday, this in Folly

Beach South Carolina.

"Smelled like bad sea food. "

So what is going on?

These kinds of incidents of animal

die-offs take place every

single day. In fact, 163 incidents are

reported to the federal government every year.

So, if these animal deaths are not unusual, what causes them?

Conspiracy theorists would say UFOs, solar flares

or secret air force tests. Medical

professionals offer more mundane


"That was New Year’s Eve; it could have been fireworks that frightened the birds."

But there is maybe an invisible hand in all of this, our hand, or more connected, wired, viral

than that any time in history.

"Things that were below radar are now above the radar. Everyone’s amazed by something that

happens every day."

For Good Morning America, Matt Guttmann, abc News, Miami.