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stash 藏匿;隐藏处

n.  a secret store of valuables or money; hoard, cache

v.  save up as for future use; hoard, cache, lay away, hive up, squirrel away

counterfeit 假冒的;赝品;伪造;

adj.  not genuine; imitating something superior; imitative

n.  a copy that is represented as the original; imitation, forgery

v.  make a copy of with the intent to deceive; forge, fake

dodgy 诡诈的,狡猾的;

adj. marked by skill in deception; crafty,cunning, foxy,guileful, knavish, slick, sly,tricksy,tricky, wily

rip off 欺骗;

v.  deprive somebody of something by deceit; cheat, chisel

markup 标记;涨价

n. the amount added to the cost to determine the asking price

prosecute 检举;告发;调查;

v. bring a criminal charge against sb in a court of law

continue to be occupied with (sth)

VAT abbr.

=value-added tax 增值税

downside 不利,下降趋势;

n.  a negative aspect of something that is generally positive

lucrative 赚钱的,有利可图的;

adj.  producing a sizeable profit; moneymaking, remunerative