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海地地震周年 在艰难中前行


A year ago today, Haiti was hit by a devastating earthquake. More than 200,000 people died. millions more were left homeless. 12 months later, despite an outpour of aid,reconstruction has been slow, NBC’s Mara Schiavocampo is in Port-au-Prince this morning. Mara, good morning to you.

Well, good morning, Matt. Today has been declared a national day of mourning here. With banks,schools and government offices closed to commemorate, with devastating tragedy. The challenges to rebuilding the city are enormous. That earthquake didn't last very long but it changed countless lives forever.

This was the scene in Port-au-Prince one year ago today. Hours after devastating earthquake leveled parts of the city. And this is the scene today, virtually unchanged. The presidential palace still crumbled, piles of rubble just as they fell. These are tombs now, countless bodies still inside.

“Are you satisfied with the pace of progress?”

“No, but I think it has been some real progress.”

An estimated 800,000 homeless continue living in tent cities . That’s below a million for first time since the quake but still far too many.

“Every now and then I cry.” She says, “I have nothing at all. My friends give me food, I don’t even have scraps.”

The future looks bleak, they have nowhere to go.

“Basically, everyone here was still in our camp is here because they have no other opportunity.”

Unlike last year, now they lived with the threat of cholera which is already claimed 3651 lives. Among those trying to rebuild their lives, new NPTs.

An estimated 2,000 people lost limbs crushed by falling debris.

“Everything single one of this represents a person.”

“This is just a small percentage of a number of people in Haiti that have limb-lost.”

Three-year-old XX(A girl's name) lost her mother and her leg just as she was learning to walk one year ago. Now she takes her first step with the prosthetic.

XX(Name too) lost her home,her husband and her leg. Now, she’s walking again.Like so many others reclaiming her life, one step by the time.

Now this country could be facing even more turmoils in the coming weeks. The result of the disputed presidential election are expected soon and many feared they could be lead to widespread and  violent protest in capital just one more obstacle to reconstruction, Matt.

Thank you very much, Mara Schiavocampo in Haiti for us this morning.