- Now I understand that you are thinking of taking another job.
- I have no idea actually.
- I did realize your contract is… When? Soon.
- Yes, it's up. On the beginning of June, June 4th, I think.
- No. So that means…
- Yeah, can you believe it's been five years?

- No, I can't believe it. So that means that theoretically you could, actually you could leave the network. You can't leave the network, can you?
- I mean, theoretically, yes, it means that I could leave the network.
- Contractually, you could be free and clear of CBS.
- Yes.
- Oh, for heaven's sake, you don't want that to happen, do you?
- Well, no, I mean, I am figuring out what I want to do, and I am just sort of in the process of , you know, figuring out the future.
- Yeah, but let me tell you something. Once you take the anchor chair, that's what you do.
- Really?
- Yeah. It's not like…
- Is that the CBS law?
- No , but it's not like it’s a temp gig, you know.
- No. Five years isn't too temporary , though.
- Look at Walter Cronkite, look at Tom Brokaw, look at Brain Williams, look at Peter Jennings. Look at all these people. They get in it, they saddle up and they ride into the sunset. Into the sunset!
- I love doing the evening news. And I'm really proud of...
- Well, you can't leave, because it takes a while, there's a period of adjustment to get accustomed to the trust and build up faith in the character of the person presenting the news. And then you can't just pull the rug up from under the viewers.
-OK, ok, Dave.
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