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1. A New York City judge has granted bail to Dominique Strauss-Kahn as the former International Monetary Fund chief awaits arraignment and trial on charges of sexual assault.

on a charge of 因…罪,因…嫌疑
例句:He was arrested on a charge of murder.
sexual assault性侵犯

2. He is accused of attacking a maid in a New York hotel.

be accused of被指控
例句:He was accused of murder.

3. In addition, Strauss-Kahn must submit to electronic surveillance.

in addition另外
例句:I committed an error in addition .
submit to 顺从〔屈从, 服从〕…
例句:The people had to submit to the new rulers when they lost the war.
electronic surveillance电子监控

4. We can now focus on some other aspects of the case

focus on集中于
例句:Today we're going to focus on the question of homeless people.
今天, 我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。

5. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. said a grand jury has returned a seven count indictment against Strauss-Kahn based on evidence provided by New York authorities.

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

6. Strauss-Kahn resigned his IMF position late Wednesday, saying he wants to devote all of his energy to proving his innocence.

devote to奉献,致力
例句:He has been devoting his whole life to benefiting mankind.

7. His deputy, John Lipsky, an American, will serve as acting managing IMF director.

serve as充当, 担任
例句:Animals may serve as a vehicle for viral transmission. 

8. But European countries are competing against fast growing economies elsewhere to name a permanent successor.

compete against与…抗争
例句:In equestrian,male and female compete against each other on an equal basis.

9. China’s position on a successor coincides with that of countries such as Brazil and South Africa.

coincides with与…一致
例句:My suggestion coincides with your opinion.

10. He faces as much as 25 years in prison if convicted.

in prison坐牢
例句:He faces life in prison.