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1. On a sunny, hot morning the South Lawn was filled with military honor guards and a fife and drum corps, as the two leaders stood during a 19-gun salute for German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

be filled with充满着
例句:The shop windows are filled with foreign merchandise.

2. President Barack Obama called Germany one of America's strongest allies, and Ms. Merkel - who grew up in what was communist East Germany - one of his closest global partners.

grow up长大, 成熟
例句:Tom wants to be a coach when he grows up.

3. Obama, the first African-American U.S. president, said he and Merkel, the first woman to be chancellor of Germany, are also symbols of change.

be symbol of 是…的象征、代表
例句:The white colour is a symbol of purity.

4. Both leaders pointed to cooperation in Afghanistan, where Germany has about 7,000 troops, the third-largest contingent after the U.S. and Britain.

point to表明
例句:All the signs at the moment point to an early resumption of the fighting between the two countries.

5. Chancellor Merkel, in translated remarks, reiterated determination to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, and spoke about popular uprisings in North Africa.

prevent from阻止, 防止
例句:His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading.

6. We are pulling in the same direction, trying to keep Iran from following its course of developing a nuclear forces capability.

pull in (火车)进站; (船)靠岸
例句:The train pulled in exactly on time.
keep from阻止; 免于
例句:I don't want to keep you from your work.

7. Each predicted that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi must and will step down.

step down辞职,下台
例句:Blair has said he will step down as prime minister before September.

8. Obama discussed the role he expects Germany to play as events move forward.

move forward前进
例句:We move forward promptly with a major effort to help these countries defend themselves. 

9. "There is going to be a lot of work to do when Gadhafi does step down, in terms of getting the Libyan people back on their feet, economic, political work that is going to have to be done, and my expectation is going to be that there will be full and robust German support, as there has been in the past, on a wide range of issues," said Obama.

in terms of 就…而言, 从…方面说来
例句:He referred to your work in terms of high praise.
in the past在过去
例句:The book was banned in the past.

10. Asked whether Germany felt NATO was mistaken in becoming militarily involved in Libya, Chancellor Merkel said Germany's position should be seen in its support for the international "stance" there, and remains committed to the objectives of the mission.

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:Don't involve me in your quarrel.
commit to对…作出承诺, 承担义务, 担负责任; 使(自己)致力于…
例句:He has committed himself to the cause of education.

11. President Obama said U.S. economic growth depends on a "sensible" solution to Europe's financial problems.

depend on取决于
例句:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.

12. She invited President Obama to visit Berlin and the president said he looks forward to that, provided he wins another term as president.

look forward to期望, 盼望
例句:I'm looking forward to your visit next week.